How to Make a Simple DIY Background for Food Photography

How to Make a Simple DIY Background for Food Photography

I have made many DIY backgrounds for my photography. Honestly, too many. It gets really addictive. If you have been thinking of creating some for yourself or how you can improve your photography collection for very little money, these tips on creating your own DIY background are going to be super helpful. This is my […]

diy photography

2021-8-18 17:12

diy photography → Результатов: 9 / diy photography - фото


Capture Creative Splash Photography with this Simple DIY ‘Catapult’

Matt Huber over at YouTube channel The Garage Learning has put together a fun and creative walkthrough that takes a different approach to splash photography. Instead of manually throwing water onto his subject, he designed a simple ‘DIY catapult’ that does the job much better than he can. Huber originally came up with this idea […] »

2020-06-08 21:58