How To Shoot Street Photography at Night and Be Creative

Shooting street photography at night is great fun. Sadly, many shooters (especially newbies) are put off by the fact they won't have natural light to illuminate their scenes. But although shooting conditions are different at night, you can still create quality street photographs.

Actually, shooting in the darkness of the night encourages you to be a little more creative, and as a result, you can get much more compelling images. Of course, there are some techniques and approaches you need to be familiar with to well execute shooting street photography at night. In this piece, we're going to go over them, getting you ready to shoot when the sun goes down. .

night street shooting are photography

2020-7-21 13:00

night street → Результатов: 4 / night street - фото

Tips for Shooting Black and White Street Photography at Night

If you've only been shooting black and white street photography during the day, there's actually a lot of dramatic and compelling images that you're missing at night. In a brief video by Vladimir Pcholkin, he shares his insights on shooting black and white street photography at night, and gives us a few simple tips for making the most out of it should we decide to give it a go. »

2020-01-06 02:00