51 Illegal Photos Of North Korea That Kim Jong Un Doesn’t Want You To See

51 Illegal Photos Of North Korea That Kim Jong Un Doesn’t Want You To See
ФОТО: boredpanda.com

Photographer and Sony Ambassador Eric Lafforgue is one of the very lucky few that have had a chance to see what North Korea is really like. "Since 2008, I have ventured to North Korea six times," he said.

"Thanks to digital memory cards, I was able to save photos that I was forbidden to take or was told to delete by the minders. ".

korea north was

2018-1-6 13:42

korea north → Результатов: 4 / korea north - фото

Фото: digitalrev.com

North Korea Acquires Blackmagic 4K Camera for Making Movies

Very little is known about what goes on inside the reclusive North Korea, but we do know that its movie industry is now stepping it up to 4K resolution with a flashy current-gen camera. Korean Central Television (KCTV) reports that North Korea was able to acquire an advanced 4K resolution Australian-made camera, believed to be Blackmagic, to bolster its caliber of filmmaking moving forwards. digitalrev.com »

2016-11-18 03:00