Isabella Tabacchi’s Astrophotography Under Namibia’s Surreal Night Sky

The night sky has always fascinated bright minds for the mystery and stunning imagery it brings, making it a popular subject among artists and photographers. Bologna-based landscape photographer Isabella Tabacchi, for example, has always found it her favorite part of everyday life and a potent source of inspiration for her work.

If you find yourself drawn to photographing landscapes against the night sky, you’ll definitely find her snaps under Namibia’s starry night sky nothing short of surreal. .

night sky her

2020-6-10 13:00

night sky → Результатов: 13 / night sky - фото


Video: Watch the Milky Way 'appear' as you get farther and farther from LA light pollution

According to much of the Interwebz, the residents of Los Angeles were so shocked to see the Milky Way during a 1994 blackout, that many of them called 911. The real story is a bit less dramatic—people called observatories, NOT 911, to ask about the 'strange sky' they had seen—but the sad fact remains that LA and many other cities suffer from light pollution so intense that you can't see more than a few stars in the night sky, let alone the Milky Way. »

2017-10-12 19:42