How a Craigslist Scam Turned Me Into a Professional Photographer
Hello there. My name is Joe, and I’m a professional, full-time photographer hailing from Brooklyn, New York.
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Hello there. My name is Joe, and I’m a professional, full-time photographer hailing from Brooklyn, New York.
[Read More] »It's not pretty, but Craigslist has always been a source for photographers that need a quick paying gig or for someone looking to build their portfolio without pay. And 9/10 times it's typically pretty shady. »
Trying to get into family photography, but haven’t had any luck? If you live in New York City, there’s a family that could use your help, just as long as you don’t mind being a “Mother’s Helper” on the side when you’re not taking pictures. »
For budding photographers who are just starting out with portraiture, finding models to practice with can be a challenge. Not all of us are blessed with good-looking friends or big funds to hire models from agencies. »
A Craigslist post offering a 1990 Mazda RX-7 for sale is going viral today thanks to the photos of the car. . . and it's not because they're good. For whatever reason, the ad's author decided the best way to photograph his or her car for this ad was to take pictures of the car with their cell phone, and then take pictures of the pictures displayed on their cracked, hazy smartphone screen. »
For their ongoing “Craigslist Encounters,” the Los Angeles-based photography team Kremer Johnson has been shooting portraits of completely strangers who are each found using Craigslist. Each subject responded to an ad titled “Characters Wanted” and agreed to pose for $20 an hour. »
The Craigslist ad headline reads 'All Day Wedding Photographer Needed,' followed by a small, but extremely important, parenthetical: (see details). That bit is important because when the couple in question says 'all day,' what they actually mean is 'all night long. »
More often than not, when a reader sends us a link to a Craigslist ad, it’s some troll (or moron… or both) asking for free wedding photos or something. That is definitely not the case with the crazy for-sale ad one of our readers sent our way today. In a post on the Savannah, GA […] »