This Photographer is Offering Free Headshots to Laid Off Federal Workers
A professional photographer is offering free headshots to laid off federal workers to help them find new jobs.
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A professional photographer is offering free headshots to laid off federal workers to help them find new jobs.
[Read More] »TikTok fought against its threatened U.S. ban in a federal court on Monday -- in a hearing that was described as "the most important two hours" in the video app's history. [Read More] »
Montana made headlines earlier this year when it became the first state in the U.S. to ban TikTok. But now, a judge ruled the move unconstitutional. [Read More] »
Federal agents staged an elaborate fake murder photograph to catch a man who they suspected of plotting to kill two business associates to avoid millions of pounds in debt. [Read More] »
A federal judge has halted the controversial new state law in Arizona that bans people from photographing and filming police officers within 8 feet. The new law, which opponents have slammed as a violation of free speech, was to go into effect on September 24th. [Read More] »
A federal judge has overturned the stringent drone laws in Texas, citing that it is an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment. The lawsuit challenging the law was brought in 2019 by the National Press Photographer's Association (NPPA). [Read More] »
In years past, major agencies that managed federal land weren’t consistent in charging fees for commercial photography and filming on those lands. In 2000, a new law directed the government to develop a consistent fee structure for all federal lands, and the government is still working to iron out what those fees will be. The […] »
Photographing and filming police officers in public is a constitutional right protected by the First Amendment. That’s what a federal appeals court unanimously affirmed this week in cases involving Philadelphia officers retaliating against citizens pointing cameras at them. »
An Oregon-based plant retailer was just awarded almost one million dollars in actual damages by a federal jury in one of the biggest photography copyright wins of the year so far. Despite the strange circumstances of this case, it’s being called, “a huge win for artists, photographer, and creators.” According to PDN, the case revolves […] »