Результатов: 15

Создан робот, в основу которого лег навозный жук

Группа ученых из нескольких исследовательских учреждений создала робота, который имитирует поведение навозного жука. Их работа, опубликованная в журнале Advanced Science, демонстрирует, как эти роботы могут манипулировать крупными объектами, используя миниатюрный корпус. ferra.ru »

2024-11-14 20:36

In-depth tripod review: FLM CP34-L4 II

FLM's CP34-L4 II tripod at full height, almost towering over your 1. 83 meter (6 foot) tall reviewer. FLM CP34-L4 IIflm-gmbh. de | $683 FLM is well-known for German ingenuity and superb construction in the tripod and ball head realm, starting with their incredibly stable CB-58FTR ball head which was this reviewer's introduction to the brand. dpreview.com »

2021-8-2 17:00

In-depth tripod review: Sirui SR-3204

The Sirui SR-3204 out in the cold, with the Sirui PH-30 Carbon Fiber Gimbal on top, loaded with a 150-450mm zoom on a full-frame Pentax. Sirui SR-3204Sirui. com | $550 Back in a 2014 roundup of ball heads, Sirui was mentioned as a 'relative newcomer,' but today they are an established and well-respected brand, not only for tripods but also for such unusual items as humidity-control cabinets and anamorphic lenses. dpreview.com »

2021-7-29 17:00

100 Of The Most Epic Leg Tattoos

Legs are a great location for a tattoo because they are easily shown off, or covered up, depending on your mood or the occasion. There's also plenty of space to fill, especially on the fleshy thigh area, although unless you often wear short shorts and skirts, it won't be seen very often! The calf also works great for smaller works, other places such as the ankle and knee can play host to subtle designs too. boredpanda.com »

2019-5-16 08:17

45 Of The Most Epic Leg Tattoos

Legs are a great location for a tattoo because they are easily shown off, or covered up, depending on your mood or the occasion. There's also plenty of space to fill, especially on the fleshy thigh area, although unless you often wear short shorts and skirts, it won't be seen very often! The calf also works great for smaller works, other places such as the ankle and knee can play host to subtle designs too. boredpanda.com »

2019-5-17 08:17

10 Ways to Use Your Tripod Smarter

We’ve all heard the expression "all the gear and no idea", and experience has taught me that this extends well beyond referring to cameras and lenses alone. The humble tripod is a great example. This seemingly simple tool is often misused by photographers, compromising not only their shots, but the safety of their other gear. digitalrev.com »

2017-7-3 03:00