Марсоход Perseverance нашёл на Марсе одну из старейших пород в Солнечной системе
Марсоход NASA Perseverance прислал на Землю снимки и анализ нового образца марсианского грунта, который специалисты назвали самым необычным. ferra.ru »
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Марсоход NASA Perseverance прислал на Землю снимки и анализ нового образца марсианского грунта, который специалисты назвали самым необычным. ferra.ru »
If you have been following the progress of NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover, you will know that so far, it has exclusively been in the Jezero Crater, which is about 28 miles wide and was formed 3. petapixel.com »
Trundling over the Martian surface, NASA's Perseverance Rover looked upward at the Sun on September 30 to see a "googly eye" looking back at it. [Read More] petapixel.com »
NASA's Perseverance rover captured the clearest view of Mars' landscape yet, showing incredible blue rocks on the dusty surface that raise pivotal questions about the Red Planet's complex history. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Инженеры Лаборатории реактивного движения NASA восстановили работу специализированного геологического инструмента SHERLOC, установленного на марсоходе Perseverance. ferra.ru »
NASA has released a spellbinding 360-degree image of an ancient river found on Mars recorded by the space agency's Perseverance Rover. [Read More] petapixel.com »
NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has captured an amazing sight on the Martian surface, a dust-filled twister.
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petapixel.com »С момента, когда марсоход Perseverance коснулся поверхности Марса, прошло чуть более года. Но аппарат уже успел столкнуться с достаточно серьёзной проблемой. ferra.ru »
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover spotted a bit of trash on the Martian surface. The shiny litter should look familiar to Perseverance, as it appears to be a piece of thermal blanket from the rover's descent in early 2021. dpreview.com »
В левом переднем колесе ровера находится "камень-питомец", который ездит вместе с марсоходом Perseverance с начала февраля. На данный момент он проехал 8,5 км вместе с марсоходом. ferra.ru »
19 апреля 2022 года, в годовщину своего первого полета, вертолет НАСА Ingenuity Mars посетил и сделал снимки места падения защитной оболочки и парашюта, которые помогли доставить его и ровер Perseverance на Красную планету. ferra.ru »
NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter has seen a lot on the Red Planet since it sent its first image back to Earth just over a year ago. Ingenuity has now set its sights on wreckage and debris from the Perseverance rover's successful landing on Mars. dpreview.com »
The Mars Perseverance rover has captured detailed footage of Phobos, one of the Red Planet's moons, crossing the face of the Sun. It is the most zoomed-in, highest frame-rate observation of a Phobos solar eclipse taken from the Martian surface. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Марсоход Perseverance использовал свою усовершенствованную систему камер, чтобы запечатлеть самый четкий вид солнечного затмения на Марсе, что поможет ученым лучше понять поведение его луны Фобос. ferra.ru »
Марсоход Perseverance находится на Красной планете для различных исследований. Но одной из его главных задач является поиск подтверждения, что на Марсе когда-то существовала жизнь. В одну из "смен» Perseverance сделал видеозапись неба, на котором запечатлён один из спутников Марса, Деймос. photorealm.ru »
NASA's Perseverance rover has been touring the Red Planet since it landed on Mars earlier this year. In late March, Perseverance sent back a selfie. The rover captured another selfie with the Ingenuity helicopter on April 6, the 46th sol of Perseverance's mission. dpreview.com »
Back in April, the Mars Perseverance rover shared a selfie that included the Ingenuity helicopter drone on the surface of the Red Planet. The space agency has now shared a video and detailed explanation of how that photo was taken, including the fact it is made up of 62 individual images. NASA explains that the […] petapixel.com »
While Curiosity recently shared the latest of several selfies it has captured over the years, NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover was not to be outdone, and in its first-ever selfie, it decided to share the spotlight with the Ingenuity drone. petapixel.com »
The Mars Perseverance Rover has been sharing thousands of images since it landed on the surface of the Red Planet on February 18. This past week, the rover sent back a few landscape photos of its position taken by its MastCam-Z, juxtaposed with an aerial view from orbit. NASA first published an image of the […] petapixel.com »
The Mars Perseverance Rover, which already has sent back some incredible images from the Red Planet, is equipped with 23 cameras designed for a host of tasks. Its main camera array is particularly impressive, able to see details as small as a tip of a pencil close by, and the size of an almond from […] petapixel.com »
On February 18, NASA's Perseverance rover landed on Mars and sent back to Earth its first images. Since then, NASA's Perseverance team has been busy exploring the Jezero Crater area. NASA has followed up its initial images with a high-quality, detailed 360° interactive image. dpreview.com »
NASA’s Perseverance has been on the surface of the Red Planet for about a day now and is already sending back images that are far superior to the original two published yesterday, including one photo of the drone midair captured from its “jetpack. petapixel.com »
Yesterday, NASA’s latest Mars Rover Perseverance safely touched down on the Red Planet and sent back its first images of the surface. The view is from one of the rover’s hazard avoidance cameras and is partially obscured by a dust cover. petapixel.com »
The Perseverance rover gets lowered down to the Martian surface, seen in one of the first high-resolution images sent back to Earth. Image credit: NASA Update: (Friday, February 19, 2021 at 2:46 PM): Since first publishing this article, NASA has shared new, high-resolution images of the Perseverance rover, including one taken from its ‘jetpack’ that lowered the rover down to the Martian surface. dpreview.com »
В сети появилось новое сообщение от NASA, в котором космическое агентство приглашает всех желающих посмотреть на посадку нового марсохода Perseverance в прямом эфире. ferra.ru »
Tomorrow morning, NASA is expected to launch its Mars 2020 mission, which will take the Perseverance rover to the Red Planet to search for signs of ancient life, collect terrain samples for potential return to Earth and overall provide a better look at the Martian surface. dpreview.com »