I've been a Capture One convert for a while now as all our testing involves running RAW files and more through the program. It's simply a better piece of software than Lightroom is; and at this point both versions of Adobe Lightroom feel way too pedestrian for the type of work that I'm doing.
In some ways, I want to relate to something that my late mother used to do. You see, we grew up in a household where my mom spent way too many hours in front of the television. So she tuned into Home and Garden TV and fell in love with doing a lot of stuff on the house. What that would mean is a whole lot of trips to Home Depot carrying many pounds of cement, plywood, sheetrock, plaster, and tons more in a 1997 Toyota Camry. It was honestly madness and it eventually drove the car to the point of breaking; literally. The fact is that a Toyota Camry wasn't designed to do that type of work; a Toyota Tundra on the other hand can do it with no problems at all. This synonymous to what I feel Adobe Lightroom and Capture One is; Lightroom is the paltry but reliable Camry for everyday needs while the Capture One is the Tundra that is designed for actual work. At a certain point, you're going to hit walls and realize that the software that you're using is rather subpar. . thephoblographer.com
2017-11-30 13:00