RNI’s Latest Film Presets Updates Provide More Lightroom Support

Film aesthetics is one of the favorite presents that many photographers love and adore. While some can afford film today, plenty can't shell out hundreds of dollars for purchase and processing. As a result, digital photographers heavily rely on editing software, with some unable to simulate a similar look for their images.

One of the companies pushing boundaries in this area is Really Nice Images (RNI films), a London-based art and technology company that offers exciting film presents for creatives. And now, one of their famous presets has an update!.

film one

2025-1-17 14:00

film one → Результатов: 26 / film one - фото

‘A History Of The Photo Camera’: An Incredibly Short Yet Rewarding Cartoon

If you have approximately one and a half minutes to spare, you could do far worse with your time than watch this delightful speedrun cartoon tour through the history of photographic cameras. Created by Barcelona-based animator/editor Portero Delantero, this extremely short film provides a fluid rundown of every major milestone camera from the Kodak Brownie in 1900, to the iPhone 6 in 2014. digitalrev.com »

2016-11-23 03:00