The people at Sony's image sensor division have posted a teaser video for an upcoming new smartphone image sensor, the IMX686, on the Chinese social media site Weibo. The new chip is the successor to the IMX586, which was one of the first 48MP Quad-Bayer sensors and has been deployed in several high-end smartphones.
Sony does not reveal the sensor resolution or other specifications in the video but based on rumors about phones that will supposedly use the sensor GSM Arena estimates it to be between 60 and 64MP.
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The video reveals that the new sensor will be released in 2020 and shows a selection of still images captured in a variety of light conditions. The images are not full size, so it's hard to make any judgements about image detail or noise, but they do look quite impressive in terms of exposure and dynamic range.
Given no phone is using the new sensor yet, Sony has used a prototype board connected to a computer to capture the samples. Have a look at the gallery above and check out the full video over on Weibo.
. dpreview.com2019-11-9 18:29