9 Things I Learned From My First Photo Exhibition

One of my photography New Year’s resolutions was to start to push my work to galleries and public photography showcases. In my mind, having my work in-print and in-public are some of the most significant steps in advancing my career as a fine art street photographer.

I’ve applied to gallery spaces before but always half-heartedly […].

things learned from first photo exhibition

2019-1-8 22:51

things learned → Результатов: 5 / things learned - фото

10 Things I Learned at Fashion Week 2017

Every Fashion Week I learn something new. This is my tenth or so New York Fashion Week by now and I’m still forgetting memory cards, wandering aimlessly trying to find the backstage entrance at Skylight Clarkson, getting kicked out of areas and wondering why Dropbox doesn’t sync faster on Starbucks WiFi. Editor’s Note: This article […] petapixel.com »

2017-02-24 00:06