

Фотограф Жан Гауми: «Фотографирование – это как рыбная ловля или писательство»

Жан Гауми – фотограф агентства Magnum на протяжении сорока лет. Объездил с фотоаппаратом Европу, Центральную Америку, Африку и Азию, поднимался высоко в горы и спускался в атомную подлодку. Говорит: «Фотографирование – это как рыбная ловля или писательство.


Как внутренние противоречия делают нас людьми и вдохновляют на творчество

Профессор в области антропологии Дэвид Берлинер из Брюссельского свободного университета рассказывает, почему противоречия — это «так по-человечески» и нам столь сложно находиться в «идеальном согласии между своими нравственными высказываниями и поведением», как мы сублимируем внутренние противоречия в творческую энергию, почему для нашего сознания так привлекательны объекты с противоположными свойствами и как умение проводить грани помогает нам уживаться с нашей способностью противоречить самим себе.


Sony issues new firmware updated for the A6500 and A6300 to add 18-135mm lens support

Sony released a firmware update for the A6500 (download here) and A6300 (download here). This update (version 1.05) provides the following benefits: – Adds support for the SEL18135 lens – Improves overall stability of the camera The post Sony issues new firmware updated for the A6500 and A6300 to add 18-135mm lens support appeared first on sonyalpharumors.


DJI Unveils the Best Aerial Photos of 2017

DJI has just announced the winners of its 2017 SkyPixel Photo Contest. The Grand Prize was awarded to photographer Florian Ledoux for his photo titled “Above the Polar Bear. ” The photo was captured using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone.


This Video Shows How Everyone Snaps the Same Instagram Travel Photos

While traveling in Rome, photographer Oliver KMIA discovered how popular tourist spots were crowded with tourists fighting to shoot their own precious personal photo. He later scoured Instagram and created this 2-minute video, titled “Instravel,” which shows a “photogenic mass tourism experience” and how so many of our travel photos look exactly like other people’s. […]


Бамбуковые миры: красота китайской аквакультуры в минималистичных фотографиях

Серию «Прибрежная геометрия» фотограф Туго Ченг снял в провинции Фуцзянь, запечатлев в минималистичных кадрах абстрактные узоры из рыболовных сетей и бамбуковых палок. Это мир китайской аквакультуры, который вскоре может исчезнуть.


Fujifilm X-A5 с фазовым автофокусом и 4K

Fujifilm представила свой бюджетный X-A5, который стал приятным обновлением беззеркалки X-A3. При использовании датчика формата APS-C с разрешением 24MP, который использует традиционный массив фильтров Bayer, а не фирменный X-Trans, X-А5 решает многие проблемы своего предшественника, а именно слабую систему автоматической фокусировки.


Фотовыставка «ВИИЯ в лицах». Фотоцентр на Гоголевском

В этом году исполняется 78 лет со дня создания военного факультета западных языков при Втором МГПИЯ. Приказ об этом был подписан 1-го февраля 1940 года. В дальнейшем факультет превратился в полноценный институт после присоединения факультета восточных языков в 1942 году.


5 Ways to Make the Most of Natural Light

Unless you’re solely a studio photographer, it’s likely that working with natural light forms the cornerstone of your photography. The light from the sun has a huge variety of characteristics, and varies in strength, contrast and colour wildly, creating a host of different effects for photography.


Sigma 500mm f/4 tested on the Sony A9: “I’m really impressed”

Patrick Murphy-Racey tested the Sigma 500mm f/4 on the Sony A9: I took this lens to a football bowl game in December of 2017 and tried it with the Simga MC-11 adapter with the Sony A9. It worked really well, so well, in fact, that I think it is 90% of the experience of any […] The post Sigma 500mm f/4 tested on the Sony A9: “I’m really impressed” appeared first on sonyalpharumors.


The 4MP Phantom v2640 can shoot 6,600fps at full resolution, 11,750fps at 1920x1080

If you thought you had a pretty good high-speed photography set-up, the new Phantom v2640 from Vision Research might make you think again. Using a 4-million-pixel sensor and a shortest ‘shutter speed’ of 142 nanoseconds, this new model from the scientific and industrial manufacturer can reach speeds of up to 6,600fps at full resolution, and can go even faster when the pixel-count is reduced.


Creating the Photograph: Ronen Goldman’s “Danger Close”

Photographer Ronen Goldman is a surrealist one who finds a way to channel feelings into images. We've featured him and his work on this website before but nothing could prepare us for this story. To preface this, it's the story of an agonizing wait to hear about whether or not the life of someone very close to you will be in jeopardy or not.


PowerGXND is the World’s First Variable Graduated Neutral Density Filter

Neutral Density Filters are one of the few filters that many photographers still take advantage of in this modern age of photography. A popular tool for landscape photographers has long been the graduated neutral density filter, but a downside to using those has always been that in order to change the intensity of the gradient and the ND power you had to actually switch out the filter. But it looks like those days could be numbered…


Fujfilm X-A20 Mirrorless Camera Announced, Only Available in China

The Fujfilm X-A20 is a new mirrorless camera aimed at beginners. The 16.3 megapixel Fuji XA20 has a 3.0-inch, 180-degree flip-up "Selfie" screen with touch control and interestingly Eye AF, built-in pop-up flash, Wi-Fi function, shooting mode dial, electronic shutter with a top speed of 1/32000 seconds, and a small and lightweight retro design that weighs just 494 grams with the XC 15-45mm F3.5-5.6 OIS PZ kit lens. 



Shutterfly reveals plans to buy Lifetouch for $825 million

Shutterfly—the massive online retailer of personalized photo-based products such as calendars and photo books—has announced plans to acquire Lifetouch, a professional photography company. The acquisition, which isn't yet finalized, will cost Shutterfly $825 million according to Star Tribune, who broke the news.



Kodak says over 40,000 investors are interested in its cryptocurrency

In a statement released today, Kodak said more than 40,000 potential investors are interested in the company's recently announced KODAKCoin Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The cryptocurrency was introduced in early January alongside the company's new KODAKOne blockchain-based image rights platform for photographers.


You Can Finally Schedule Posts on Instagram Now (Kinda)

Instagram has announced that you can now schedule posts on the social network, provided you are signed up as a business account and using an approved third-party scheduling service. This new automation will streamline the Instagram workflow for those who are using the image-sharing app.


Анонсированы Fujifilm X-A5 и Fujinon XC 15-45mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS PZ

Fujifilm представила камеру Fujifilm X-A5 и объектив Fujinon XC 15-45mm f/3. 5-5. 6 OIS PZ. Таким образом, при подготовке к выставке CP+ в Японии компания планирует заполнить разные сегменты серий своих камер.


Shooting a Magazine Cover with a Smartphone

I recently got a call from a client in Chile asking if I’d like to photograph Alexis Sanchez for the cover of COSAS magazine. Alexis is Chile’s most capped footballer was just transferred from Arsenal to Manchester United.