

How to Shoot a Triangle Photography Composition

The following is a syndicated post originally found on Eric Kim’s blog. It has been published here with his permission. Syndication by Joy Celine Asto. One of the simplest and most effective compositions we can integrate into our photography are triangle compositions.


Dave Dugdale: How Sony’s Auto Focus has Evolved on the a7R iii in the Past 4 Years?

Dave Dugdale video introduction text: The AF speed has increased, the a7riii has become tenacious it will not let go of a face. AF has become much smoother, before you would get a shimmering If you have turned off face detect, obj tracking and touch spot focus, when you want the camera to continuously [AF-C] […] The post Dave Dugdale: How Sony’s Auto Focus has Evolved on the a7R iii in the Past 4 Years? appeared first on sonyalpharumors.


Новый тизер полнокадровоей беззеркалки Nikon

Сегодня компания Nikon показала очередной тизер новой полнокадровой беззеркалки. Этот тизер уже третий по счету и посвящен дизайну камеры. «Компания Nikon занималась разработкой идеальной фотокамеры много лет.


I Gave Up on Squarespace and Built My Own Photo Website from Scratch

For the past several years my photography website called Squarespace home. Among online, fully-contained, content management systems, it is hard to go wrong with Squarespace. Offering domain registration and hosting, plus well-crafted templates, Squarespace makes it easy to create a professional looking website.


Советская шпионская фотокамера, замаскированная под фотокамеру, запутала аукционистов

Британский аукционный дом Aston's распродал частную коллекцию из 25 редких советских фотокамер. Среди них были шпионские экземпляры. Наиболее интересным лотом оказалась фотокамера, замаскированная под массовую зеркалку «Зенит-Е».


Review: Sigma 70mm f2.8 DG Macro Art (Canon EF)

The 70mm focal length has always weirded me out, so when the Sigma 70mm f2. 8 DG Macro Art came in I was a scratching my head for sure. Macro work is fun, but it gets monotonous after some time. The 70mm focal length is odd for portraiture, but the right photographer can make it work.


How to Get More From Your 85mm Lens for Portraiture

The 85mm lens is a darling of many photographers due to its design. It is a short telephoto focal length and is one of the best options out there when it comes to portrait photography. Many photographers use it for its versatility--indeed an 85mm lens can shoot street photography, candids, portraits and landscapes if you're just in the right place.


This Drone Video Flies Over the Ruins of Pompeii

Pompeii was the famous ancient Roman city that was buried under volcanic ash during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79, trapping many of the inhabitants before they could flee. Here’s a new 53-second drone video that flies through and over the city as it stands today after centuries of excavations, offering a […]


4 совета по съемке городских пейзажей на длинной выдержке

Осень и весна – это лучшие сезоны для фотографирования городских пейзажей. Погода прохладная, но не холодная, а солнце садится рано, так что вы можете делать ночные снимки не слишком поздно, а на дорогах будет ещё много автомобилей, которые создадут фарами растянутые треки.


Epson FastFoto

The Epson FastFoto FF-680W scanner is the world's fastest personal photo scanner, scanning photos as fast as one photo per second at 300dpi at up to 36 photos per batch.


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 comes with dual-aperture 12MP dual-cam

At a high-profile launch event in New York, Samsung took the wraps off its much-leaked, next-generation Note device. The Galaxy Note 9 borrows the S9+'s 12MP dual-aperture dual-cam, with OIS in both rear cameras and an emphasis on AI-enhanced shooting modes.


Летающие камеры от SimToo

Дроны становятся всё более доступными. Китайские компании уже предлагают миниатюрные летательные устройства по цене менее 1000 руб. Но нас, как любителей фото и видеосъёмки, интересуют квадрокоптеры с камерами.


PaintShop Pro 2019

PaintShop Pro 2019 now offers AI-powered Pic-to-Painting, support for 360° cameras, a streamlined user experience and new PhotoMirage Express to blur the line between photo and video.



Hands-on with the Pentax HD FA* 50mm F1.4 (for real this time)

Hands-on with the Pentax HD FA* 50mm F1. 4 The last time we saw the Pentax D FA* 50mm F1. 4 it was an unfinished prototype at the CP+ show in Yokohama, back in March. Following some delays earlier this year (and a lot of patience from the Pentax faithful), it's finally shipping, and is available now for $1200.


The Most Beautiful City In The World, Seoul

The other night I visited Namsan Tower at Sunset and was stunned at how beautiful the city was. I have lived in Seoul for almost two years now, but I am never not surprised to see the city. Especially at night.


Nikon's 3rd teaser video showcases the 'Body' of its upcoming full-frame mirrorless camera

Nikon has released the third teaser for its upcoming full-frame mirrorless camera. Following up on Travel of Light and Mount, the third teaser is called 'Body: The Evolution of Nikon Quality. ' The video opens up with a few shots of cameras from Nikon's past as a narrator says 'all the expertise Nikon has acquired over the past 100 years has been poured into this camera.


Фотограф Платон Юрич и его сюрреалистичная вселенная

Российский фотограф (точнее, фотохудожник) Платон Юрич постепенно становится любимцем всех поклонников неординарных кадров. Каждая, его работа плавно отдаляется от привычной реальности, стоит на границе между явью и сном.



Photographing Flying Squirrels with High Speed Flash

Flying squirrels are fairly common, although seldom seen members of the rodent family. The southern flying squirrel is found throughout the eastern half of the United States. The northern version is only found in the northernmost tier of states and in Canada.


Фотограф Трой Мот, очарованный дикой природой

Однажды Трой Мот оставил свою карьеру в модной и коммерческой фотографии, чтобы вернуться к своим канадским корням. Он провел несколько лет, живя в палатке посреди дикой природы. Его любовь к местным пейзажам и свежему воздуху вдохновила взяться за новое дело – съемку диких животных в великолепной среде их обитания.