Is Annie Leibovitz Right About This? What Do You Think?

What do you think? I wrote an article about making your portrait subjects more comfortable and noticed a great comment. “Annie Leibovitz runs an ad on YouTube etc. in which she says she doesn’t believe it’s the photographer’s job to put the person at ease… whats that about?” This is a great topic. This person is talking

annie leibovitz right about what think

2019-10-9 07:00

annie leibovitz → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 2 / annie leibovitz - ôîòî

Interviews with Photographers Annie Leibovitz and Richard Avedon in 1999

Buried in the depths of the Internet, these two interviews from 1999 with some very famous names in photography might just give you the inspiration you need for your next shoot. Appearing on the Charlie Rose interview show on PBS, Annie Leibovitz gives an insight into a new book she was releasing at the time: Women. “I’ve […] »

2017-06-23 20:51