Scientists Use Remote Cameras to Capture Polar Bear Cubs Emerging From Dens
Scientists used remote cameras over 10 years to capture unprecedented footage of polar bear cubs emerging from dens for the first time. [Read More] »
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Scientists used remote cameras over 10 years to capture unprecedented footage of polar bear cubs emerging from dens for the first time. [Read More] »
A group of people were filmed tearing three bear cubs out of a tree so that they could pose for selfies with them.
[Read More] »Despite constant pleas from officials and wildlife experts, tourists in Yellowstone National Park continually ignore safety guidelines and get way too close to wild animals, putting not only themselves at risk but callously putting the animals in harm's way. [Read More] »
Wildlife and landscape photographer Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove traveled to a remote area of Iceland in the hopes of finding and photographing arctic fox cubs which are known to leave their dens around this time of the year. [Read More] »
Hi, I am a wildlife photographer David Hemmings from British Columbia, Canada. I have been photographing wildlife for many years. My most memorable and amazing wildlife encounters will always be these mother polar bears with their only weeks-old cubs. »
I captured Red panda's cubs Loofah & Doofah enjoying their snow day at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Be prepared for cuteness overload! »