Результатов: 7

Useful Photography Tip #183: The Trick Your Sony Camera Has That You’re Probably Not Using

Photographers who want better metering of their scene should know that Sony has a bit more science to their camera metering system than you'd think. Besides the more traditional center weighted, spot metering (which can be linked to the focusing point) and evaluative metering modes there is another another option called "Entire Screen Average. thephoblographer.com »

2018-5-7 13:00

You Need To See this Deep Dive On the Science Behind Exposure and Metering

Exposure is an integral part of photography; you literally deal with this every single time you take a picture or look at the live view coming from your digital camera. Metering is also a very important part to how digital cameras work, especially those working in some sort of automatic mode; this is how your camera decides to measure the light and by extension, figure out what a ‘proper’ exposure for the scene is. thephoblographer.com »

2018-4-10 22:00

Simpler Than You Think: The Secret To Metering a Portrait Photo With a Flash

Sooooooooo many photographers are completely and totally scared of using a flash, but in all truthfulness it's probably sometimes easier than metering for natural light. Because a camera has options like aperture priority for a photographer to tell the camera only what depth of field a photographer wants, lots of photographers tend to opt for this setting more than anything else. thephoblographer.com »

2017-8-21 13:00