Trump Has Hung His Mug Shot on the Walls of the Oval Office
Donald Trump is the only president in the history of the United States to have a mug shot taken and he has proudly hung it on a wall next to the Oval Office. [Read More] »
Walls - Последние новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Donald Trump is the only president in the history of the United States to have a mug shot taken and he has proudly hung it on a wall next to the Oval Office. [Read More] »
Researchers have developed an imaging chip inspired by Superman's X-ray Vision that lets smartphones see objects through walls. [Read More] »
Camero-Tech, a military technology manufacturer, has announced its latest artificial intelligence-powered (AI) powered detection system that allows soldiers to see through walls before attacking. [Read More] »
Initially inspired by an image by Olive Cotton, “Teacup ballet”, Brad Walls began exploring the concept in early 2020, pinning ideas to a virtual inspiration board that consisted of shadows, shapes and tutus, stating that “Most people had seen Ballet photographed traditionally. »
Britain’s known for many charming things. Afternoon tea with scones (do you put the clotted cream or jam on first?). Mysterious and romantic walks in parks and gardens. Wavy walls. Wait, wavy walls? Wavy walls!~ »
Britain’s known for many charming things. Afternoon tea with scones (do you put the clotted cream or jam on first?). Mysterious and romantic walks in parks and gardens. Wavy walls. Wait, wavy walls? Wavy walls!~ »
Britain’s known for many charming things. Afternoon tea with scones (do you put the clotted cream or jam on first?). Mysterious and romantic walks in parks and gardens. Wavy walls. Wait, wavy walls? Wavy walls!~ »
About 4 months ago, I posted a photo of my 7-hexagon canvas cluster to Reddit’s r/space (on a Sunday, the only day you’re allowed to post your own astro photos to the sub). The title of the post was: “I’m a photographer and print-maker and my passion is the night sky. I made this 7-hexagon […] »
I spent many years to take photos of street people. I want to show these people to street again. I didn't want an exhibition on an art galery. »
“The Glass Walls” - concept fashion project on elusive and demanding social media culture. »
Everyone knows well the building of the Parliament, their unique forms and sizes are recognizable from afar. But from the inner halls, room and corridors were taken very few pictures, even though it's so beautiful inside. »