In May, Samsung launched its 64MP Quad-Bayer image sensor for use in smartphone cameras. Like the 48MP Sony equivalent that's already inside several current flagship devices, the Isocell Bright GW1 is designed to produce full-resolution output in good light conditions and use its Quad-Bayer technology to combine four pixels into one, for better detail, lower noise levels and increased dynamic range, in more challenging circumstances.
On a device equipped with the Samsung sensor, this would result in 16MP images vs. 12MP files from the Sony sensor. Now we are seeing the first sample image captured with the new Samsung sensor:
Realme first announced a sample of the 64MP camera, which comes from the ISOCELL Bright GW1 released by Samsung not long ago, but the mobile phone has not yet released. Another competitor is Redmi.
This photo is 16MB with a resolution of 9216pic. twitter. com/eNNgTJ606z
— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) June 24, 2019
According to mobile industry ‘leaker’ Ice Universe, the 64MP sensor will not only be available in Samsung phones. This first sample image was captured by an unreleased Realme device, according to the tweet. Budget smartphone manufacturer Redmi (a sub-brand of Xiaomi) is also interested in the sensor, according to the same Tweet.
A higher-resolution version (4096 x 3072px) of the image has also been shared (h/t eno2). We are looking forward to testing the first production devices with the Samsung Isocell Bright GW1 sensor and comparing its image output against the Sony-equipped high-end rivals.
Update (June 24, 2019): Added a link to a higher-resolution version of the image.
. dpreview.com2019-6-25 17:51