Why You Should Use More Manual Focus Lenses in 2021

I like the fact that more and more people have begun using manual focus lenses over the years. And I remember a time when people would refuse to use them. Today, I still know people who hate them. But I also know folks who shoot often and sincerely appreciate them.

That's because manual focus lenses promote art to photography that folks think is antiquated. At the same time, there's a lot that's considered antiquated that people love about photography. But truly, a manual focus lens can do much more for your photography than autofocus lenses can. And they can make you better photographers. .

focus lenses people manual more

2021-7-12 19:00

focus lenses → Результатов: 18 / focus lenses - фото

Speedmaster 65mm and 85mm fast primes for Fujifilm GFX on the way

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2017-04-25 22:47