Italian companies do seem to enjoy pushing the envelope on their calendars, putting the usually drab corporate editions from the rest of the world to shame. Most fans of photography have probably heard about the annual Pirelli Calendar, which has traditionally featured scantily clad ladies (with the exception of the current one by Annie Leibovitz) that generally have nothing to do with car tires.
But personally I never knew that the Italian coffee company Lavazza has also been doing one as well since 1991. You may be forgiven for thinking that it probably escaped my notice since it never featured any women in lingerie – but then you would be wrong in your reasoning, since throughout the 90’s Lavazza hired Helmnut Newton to establish a sensual, but elegant look for the calendars.
From the 1994 calendar / Helmut Newton
The photos were generally tasteful, although sometime at the turn of the millennium they started going all UNESCO with the aid of photographers from the legendary photography agency Magnum Photos.
'Friends and More' from the 2001 calendar / Martine Franck and Richard Kalvar
Fast forward a few years and I’m guessing sales went down, since all that goodwill went out the door.
'Espress Yourself' from the 2005 calendar / Erwin Olaf
The early noughties brought a lot of gloss and poor Photoshop, and then 2009 brought Annie Leibovitz, along with her usual grand style.
'The Italian Espresso Experience' from the 2009 calendar / Annie Leibovitz
The times are ever evolving however, and in 2016 it’s all appropriately about sustainability – an incredibly relevant topic to a coffee company. They’ve asked photographer Joey L to shoot a calendar under the theme, “From Father to Son,” and the series has been described by Lavazza as:
“The subjects of his photographs are the #Earthdefenders: modern heroes of the Earth who, thanks to their fathers’ teachings, defend biodiversity and promote sustainable development. ”
The photographs are beautiful, but best of all Joey and his crew recorded a 4-episode video series of behind-the-scenes shots on his project, which took him through Brazil, Peru, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico over the course of a month.
They recorded the next generation of agriculturalists, and you can see all the photos from his project here on his website.
. digitalrev.com
2016-10-24 03:00