British Photographer Rankin Closes Ad Agency Citing AI as a Problem
The British photographer Rankin has been forced to declare his ad agency bankrupt after accumulating debts of over $1.7 million. [Read More] »
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The British photographer Rankin has been forced to declare his ad agency bankrupt after accumulating debts of over $1.7 million. [Read More] »
Хотя в конкурсе могут принимать участие авторы из любых стран, фотографов из числа многочисленной русской диаспоры в числе лауреатов BWPA пока замечено не было. Тем не менее, организаторам каждый год удается собирать отличные работы, поэтому мы посчитали необходимым рассказать об итогах этого, шестого по счёту, конкурса. »
In this year's British Wildlife Photography Awards (BWPA), more than 14,000 incredible wildlife images were whittled down to a single grand prize winner, photographer Ryan Stalker. [Read More] »
Each year around the world Hindu communities join together in a 10-day celebration of one of their mainstream deities, Ganesha. This celebration takes place in either August or September (Bhadra is the 6th month of the Hindu calendar, which combines lunar and solar considerations for the cycle), and festivities take many forms across the Hindu diaspora. [Read More] »
A British film photographer is believed to have died in Israel after Hamas invaded the country this past weekend.
[Read More] »The winners of the 2023 British Wildlife Photography Awards (BWPA) have been announced. An image of a red fox walking through its destroyed habitat has earned the top prize. [Read More] »
The British Press Photographer's Association (BPPA) has announced the winners of its 2022 competition.
[Read More] »Each year in a small town in southern England, villagers celebrate Guy Fawkes Night by hauling flaming barrels of tar on their backs and running through a crowd of people. [Read More] »
Photographer Edward Thompson, known for his documentary photo essays on various social topics, has created a body of work about the Texas Hill Country. Shot entirely on medium format film, he captured the curious and, at times, strange lives of local Texans at the time of George Bush’s political reign. [Read More] »
Since his youth, photographing long-exposure light painting images has remained an ever-fixed infatuation of artist Will Ferguson. [Read More] »
The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton was commissioned to shoot a portrait of her mother-in-law, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, for the front cover of Country Life magazine. [Read More] »
Photojournalist and Leica Ambassador Emily Garthwaite has spoken about her experience as a potential photographer for a story pitched to The New York Times. Garthwaite alleges the original plan was for her to photograph ta story covering a hiking trail in Kurdistan. »
The BBC has announced its plan to air a Great British Bake-Off-inspired photography show, hosted by Rankin, where see six amateur photographers will compete for the winner’s title. The four-part photography challenge-themed television series titled “The Great British Photography Challenge” will be hosted by British photographer Rankin as he sets challenges and provides feedback to […] »
Журнал British Journal of Photography объявил победителей фотоконкурса «Портрет человечества». »
Serendipitous, unstaged urban and street photography moments captured around the streets of London and around the UK. »
"This is a unique legacy captured by thousands of dedicated and talented photographers during the last decade, which has reached millions each year through exceptional media coverage." »
For the July issue of British Vogue, the iconic fashion magazine has decided to do something a bit differently. Rather than featuring models and high-fashion, they’re using the opportunity to honor three front-line heroes: a train driver, a midwife, and a supermarket assistant. »
Britain’s known for many charming things. Afternoon tea with scones (do you put the clotted cream or jam on first?). Mysterious and romantic walks in parks and gardens. Wavy walls. Wait, wavy walls? Wavy walls!~ »
Earlier this week, the British Museum made nearly 2 million high-resolution photographs and images of artifacts within their collection available to the public, allowing you to download and use the images under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4. »
В течение 10 лет британская премия Wildlife Photography Awards занималась сбором снимков, показывающих богатство природы Великобритании. Победители 2019 года показывают свой разнообразный подход к фотографированию дикой природы, и, по-своему, они помогают воздать должное местной фауне и доказать, что для получения невероятного снимка не нужно отправляться в экзотические страны. »
My name is Tom White, and I’m a photographer based in the UK. Letter to the Lakes is a project I started last year to photograph the iconic British red post box in the beautiful setting of the Lake District National Park. »
The British landscape will leave people in awe when they view it. For all the grey clouds and wet weather, the beautiful sites of the British landscape make it a hot spot for tourists and landscape photographers. »
The British Wildlife Photography Awards recently announced the winners of its 2018 contest to celebrate the work of both amateur and professional photographers in capturing the beauty and diversity of British wildlife. »
The British Journal of Photography showcases a unique selection of shortlisted images for the 14th year of the prestigious International Photography Award. The five shortlisted photographers hail from all over the world, including India, Thailand, Denmark, Poland, and the United Kingdom. »
My new photographic series, Black Dots, explores the far-flung mountain shelters of the UK known affectionately as bothies. These small, primitive buildings are hidden away in the loneliest corners of the British Isles and remain unlocked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. »
As the winds charge through the mountain pass it takes every effort to forge onwards as your feet slip and your ankles twist. Rivulets soak the track ahead and the sodden-peat moulds itself around your boots. »
British Wildlife Photography Awards объявил победителей конкурса 2016 года. Фотограф Джордж Стойл взял главный приз за фото под названием «Hitchhikers» (Автостопщики), которое показывает рыб, нашедших убежище в жалящих щупалец гривы медузы льва. »
The British Wildlife Photography Awards have announced the winning photographs for the 2016 contest. Photographer George Stoyle took the top prize for the photo above, titled “Hitchhikers,” which shows young fish taking refuge inside the stinging tentacles of a lion’s mane jellyfish. »