Northeast Greenland National Park: Photographing Earth’s Last Untouched Frontier
Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
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Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
Разработчик и один из основателей студии Naughty Dog Нил Дракманн в интервью изданию Variety разочаровал поклонников игры The Last of Us, которые «с нетерпением ждали новостей о возможном сиквеле или расширении игровой франшизы». »
Last call for S5II deals! There's a lot to love about the full-frame camera that film photographers love! There's also great autofocus performance, Real Time LUT, Live Composite, weather resistance, light weight, and more. »
Стало известно, что игровая студия Naughty Dog, разработчик дилогии The Last of Us сняла с продажи вторую часть экшена — The Last of Us Part II. Игру сняли с продажи в 180 странах мира, включая Россию и Казахстан. »
If you lived in a cave, you might not have noticed that it’s Christmas now :) If you are in need of making a last minute present check out the gift card deals on those pages at Amazon and BHphoto A couple of hot deals still going on: You now save up to 50% on… The post Last minute Christmas deals on Gift Cards and Digital Downloads first appeared on sonyalpharumors. »
Adobe has had a lot going on in the last few days. Last week, the company unveiled a very impressive new tool, Reflection Removal, available now as a Technology Preview in Adobe Camera Raw. »
Naughty Dog представила свой новый проект — научно-фантастическую игру Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet. »
Студия Naughty Dog, разработчик популярной постапокалиптической дилогии The Last of Us, «переключился с грибковой драмы на межзвёздную научно-фантастическую охоту за головами» в новой игре Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet. »
Разработчики ПК-портов, занимающиеся переносом консольных тайтлов с PlayStation на компьютеры, на игровой премии The Game Awards 2024 сообщили о выходе в апреле 2025 года ремастера The Last of Us Part II популярной консольной игры. »
Today is your last chance to grab the Black Friday deals: Germany: Amazon DE, Fotokoch, FotoErhardt, Calumet. UK: Amazon UK, WexUK, Clifton, ParkCameras. France: Amazon FR Italy: Amazon IT Spain: Amazon ES Netherlands: Amazon NL Australia: Amazon AUS. »
Hours before the announcement of the Sony A1II, Sony decided to do what I think they should have done over a year ago: They cut the price by 1,000 dollars at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama. The good news here is that this is a clear sign the Sony A1II will have about the same price of… »
Знаменитый разработчик игр Нил Дракманн, креативный директор компании Naughty Dog, создавшей две части The Last of Us, рассказал, что уже четыре года работает над новым проектом. Об этом он рассказал в подкасте в совместном подкасте с создателем BioShock Кеном Левином. »
Message to the source: Thanks for the material you sent me. Give me a couple of days to double check the material. Wanna be sure this is NOT fake :) »
Another source sent me an info right now through the contact form and I can only answer him though this post. -> Thanks for the info! It’s a bit surprising as I heard about a more expensive model. »
The northern lights were visible across most of the northern United States, Canada and Europe last night in a rare widespread appearance thanks to a massive solar storm. [Read More] »
Asobinet reports: We received additional information from an independent source about the VILTROX AF 135mm F1. 8 Lab, which is said to be released this year (thanks). It is said to have excellent AF speed and focus breathing. »
This is your last chance to save up to 81% on the Luminar Software (Click here). And you will get the new October update for free (Click here to see all upcoming features). »
nnouncement at 5pm London time! Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM II preorder links: USA: Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Europe: FotoErhardt, FotoKoch, WexUK. »
B&H Photo is running one of the “MEGA DEAL ZONE” events, and today is the last day to take advantage of the current offers. The ends at 11:59PM EDT tonight. We have decided to showcase of our favourite deals in case you don't like scrolling through pages and pages of products. With a lot of [...] Source »
Ведущие продюсеры сериала The Last of Us («Одни из нас») Крейг Мазин и Нил Друкманн рассказали о продвижении съёмок второго сезона «полным ходом». На вопросы о выходе фильма ответили уклончиво, но, возможно, речь идёт о первой половине 2025 года. »
Инсайдер billbil-kun, прогнозы которого обычно сбываются, рассказал о работе Sony над ПК-портом игры Last of Us Part II. »
Stock photo and video agency Shutterstock has announced a new multi-year partnership with Reka, an AI company. Like its relationships with Meta, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and OpenAI, Shutterstock is licensing its data for Reka to train AI models. [Read More] »
Two days left to grab the European Amazon “WOW” deals at Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES, Amazon NL/PL/SE and Amazon US&CA. Some special mentions: Hot deals at Amazon DE: All photography deals on this page (lots of Sony and Samyang deals). 23% off on Adobe Creative Cloud. 30% off on… »
A street photographer has gone viral with his epic impromptu portrait of actor Gordon Cormier who plays Avatar Aang in Netflix's hit series Avatar: The Last Airbender. [Read More] »
Пользователь соцсети Х под ником Silknigth, не особо известный, но за последнее время сливший точные данные в отношении релизов и портирования популярных игр, сообщил о скором выходе ПК-версии The Last of Us Part II. »
Time is running out! The Phoblographer has given away some really cool stuff as part of our membership program. This month, the Phoblographer is giving away a beautiful Nikomat EL camera to one lucky subscriber. »
Репортёры Forbes обратили внимание на документальный фильм о разработке второй части игры The Last Of Us от студии Naughty Dog. »
Just a few hours left! This month, the Phoblographer is giving away the Mint InstantFlex TL70 Plus camera to one lucky subscriber. We encourage you to read our review of the camera here. Now, we’re giving it away to one lucky winner! When the Phoblographer’s Membership program was created, we wanted to find a way … »
Not much time left now! This month, the Phoblographer is giving away the Mint InstantFlex TL70 Plus camera to one lucky subscriber. We encourage you to read our review of the camera here. Now, we’re giving it away to one lucky winner! When the Phoblographer’s Membership program was created, we wanted to find a way … »
Believe it or not, if when you zone focus with S5 II or S5 IIx, you can make incredible, film-like street photography. We talk about that here in this article. LUMIX cameras are truly something that have evolved into incredible devices very quickly for photographers. »
It’s your last chance! Tamron has extended their holiday deals until January 21st, 2024. That means that you’ve only got a little bit of time to get your hands on some of the best affordable lenses on the market. »
Kishin Shinoyama, who took one of the final and best-known shots of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, has died aged 83.
[Read More] »If you haven’t entered yet, then what are you waiting for? When the Brightin Star x Funleader 28mm f2.8 lens was announced earlier this year, we fell in love with it. It’s perhaps the smallest Leica M mount lens that we’ve used and has a pretty fast aperture for those who need it. Now, we’re … »
Аналитики из Digital Foundry представили антирейтинг игр для ПК, которые, по мнению экспертов, являются худшими в 2023 году. »
Сериал The Last of Us, основанный на одноименной видеоигре, стал самым скачиваемым телешоу 2023 года среди пользователей торрентов. »
A photographer captured this gorgeous image of the Gemenids last night when they were at its peak, but don't worry there's still to capture the shooting stars. [Read More] »
This is your last week! When we reviewed the 3 Legged Thing Brian 2.0, we found it to be one of the best tripods on the market. “Everything about the 3 Legged Thing Brian 2.0 made it feel like a much more expensive tripod,” we said in the review. “The knobs turned with a good … »
This will end today: Save big on Adobe creative cloud sold by BHphoto, Amazon, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES. All EU Black Friday deals are now live on those pages at Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES, FotoErhardt, FotoKoch, Calumet, WexUK. Amazon DE: Save big… »
Canon announced the RF 24-105mm f/2. 8L IS USM Z last week with a lot of fanfare. With that lens came two PowerZoom accessories, the PZ-E2 and PZ-E2B. The latter utilizes the 20pin port with allows it to work with compatible Canon cinema and broadcast accessories. »
The November Tamron rebates are here — and they’re disappearing quick! If you’re a Nikon Z, Fujifilm X, or Sony E mount camera user, then you’ve got access to lots of great lenses from Tamron. »
It’s the last day! For the month of October 2023, the Phoblographer is giving away a Fujifilm Instax Mini Link 2. This very fun accessory helps photographers do so many things. Most of all, we’re happy that it lets photographers print an image on the spot for someone they’ve taken a photo of. When the … »
Last call for October savings! One of our favorite things about the Panasonic Lumix S system is that their lenses are lightweight and small enough for us to want to carry around all day. But even more importantly, they’re weather resistant and boast great image quality. »
LAST DAY: European Amazon prime deals at Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES, Amazon NL. North American deals can be found at Amazon USA, Amazon Canada. BEST DEALS you cannot miss! Amazon Germany: Save big on Sony cameras and Sony/Tamron/Samyang lenses. This includes 22% off on the Samyang 135mm FE. 23%… »
This week, there are special discounts on select pieces of Sony gear. The company still has a bunch of older models available with discounts going up to $600 off. Some of our favorites are on the Sony a7 IV — but even then, I still personally use the Sony a7r III. In my mind, it … »
Разработчик студии Naughty Dog Марк Паярилло выложил в своём аккаунте сервиса LinkedIn резюме о своём опыте и отметил, что работал над созданием ассетов окружающей среды и моделей оружия для ремастера игры The Last of Us 2. »
Photojournalists — this one’s for you! Billingham genuinely makes bags designed to last on pretty much the same level as you’d expect from Filson. It’s pretty universally accepted too that they’re very stylish. »
The Fujifilm Instant savings on some of their best lenses and camera bodies are disappearing this weekend! There are now lots of savings on the cameras and lenses that they’re targeted more at video users — however, they’re also great for shooting photos. »
There’s only a few days left! No, really! Sony is offering great deals on lenses and cameras this month. If you’re not in need of a new Sony body, consider getting a new lens to give your camera a fresh perspective and your creativity a bit of a facelift. Many cameras, including the Sony a7 … »
This is your last chance for these awesome Fujifilm discounts! Stuff like the Fujifilm GFX 50s II, X mount lenses, XH2, and XH2s that have got rebates available. So if you really want to get your hands on a brand-new Fujifilm camera or lenses, this is your time to do it! Take a look after … »
The Sony a1 is the company’s flagship camera that saw a significant firmware update last fall — but the last nine months have resulted in nothing but basic bug fixes. Yawn. Was the Fall 2022 update that enhanced the autofocus system the last prominent feature add before the launch of a Mark II? More than two years after its initial launch, the Sony a1 remains a major sports camera, yet it still lacks some basic features that could easily be added with firmware. »