Society of Camera Operators Awards Honor ‘A Complete Unknown’ and ‘Yellowstone’
The camera operators behind A Complete Unknown and Yellowstone won big at the Society of Camera Operators (SOC) Awards.
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The camera operators behind A Complete Unknown and Yellowstone won big at the Society of Camera Operators (SOC) Awards.
[Read More] »While growing up, our society has often taught us to hide our emotions, especially when one is troubled or sad. We are asked to highlight only the joyous parts of our lives, such as a new job, car, marriage, and so on. »
A grisly photo of hyenas eating a hippo in the Masai Mara has won the 2024 Photographer of the Year Award organized by The Society of Photographers. [Read More] »
Royal Entomological Society (RES) в целях популяризации энтомологии еще в 2006 году учредило международный любительский конкурс фотографий насекомых. Организаторы получают замечательные снимки со всего мира от увлеченных фотографов всех возрастов, помогая привлечь внимание к часто упускаемому из виду миниатюрному миру насекомых. »
A treefrog peering into the darkness of a tropical rainforest has won the 2022 British Ecological Society photography competition. [Read More] »
Meta has dissolved the Responsible Innovation Team, an internal group whose job it was to address "potential harms to society" that would be caused by Facebook and its products. [Read More] »
Using conceptual and satirical photographs, a Swedish artist illustrates what he sees as the dark side of society's relationship with technology. [Read More] »
I'm a time traveler! Ok, a slight exaggeration. I visit locations captured in postcards from the late 19th century mostly in France and Switzerland, and then repeat the photograph and blend the two images together highlighting how in over 100 years our towns have changed little but society has changed enormously. »
Imed Kolli is a street photographer who focuses on shooting black-and-white portraits of those living on the fringes of society. Through his project Eternal Faces, he aims to capture the soul and humanity of those who are often shunned. »
The Royal Photographic Society has set out on an extensive initiative, titled “Photography for Everyone” with the goal of making the photography industry more inclusive and accessible for all through a number of projects. »
The Royal Photographic Society has digitized its archive and made issues of its magazine, the RPS Journal, free to read online. Visitors to the Society’s website will be able to read issues dating right back to the first magazine that was published on 3rd March 1853. »
The Royal Photographic Society Journal is the oldest continually published photographic periodical in the world, and its entire archive of issues from 1853 to 2018 is available to read online… for free. »
A few weeks ago, veteran photojournalist Kenneth Jarecke announced the creation of The Curious Society, a membership-based, quarterly print publication for contemporary photojournalism. While some might reflexively balk at starting a printed magazine in the digital age, Jarecke believes there is a market for people who want a tactile experience, and one that forces them […] »
The latest project by multidisciplinary artist Anna Radchenko tackles ageism. Titled GRANDmothers, it plays with the idea that we will eventually be able to have children later in life. »
Королевское садоводческое общество Великобритании (Royal Horticultural Society – RHS) объявило победителей фотоконкурса 2020 года, представив самые лучшие (по мнению жюри) фотографии растений, садов и ландшафтов от фотографов со всего мира, в том числе России и Украины. »
Portrait of Dr. Eric Fossum, provided by The Optical Society. The Optical Society (OSA), has announced that Eric Fossum, PhD, inventor of CMOS sensors as we know them, has been selected as the 2020 recipient of its Edwin Land Medal. »
The Royal Photographic Society has a new patron. Queen Elizabeth has just handed over her 67-year-long patronage of one of the world’s oldest photographic societies to Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (formerly known as Kate Middleton). »
Let's talk about climate change. A polarizing topic for society, but one that continues to come up. Whilst some brush it off as no concern, there are others who are unprepared to allow the conversation to go away - including photographers. »
The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, was honored by the UK’s Royal Photographic Society this week, sparking a heated debate about whether or not the amateur (albeit royal) photographer deserved the recognition. »
Have you noticed that cameras and lenses these days are becoming more and more pricey? Well, the good ones are at least... »