Shooting Portraits Wide Open Versus Stopping Down

Shooting Portraits Wide Open Versus Stopping Down

If you have a fast and expensive lens, it may feel like a waste to shoot portraits stopped down to f/8, f/11, or f/16. But in this 20-minute video, photographer Miguel Quiles explains why he often opts to shoot stopped down instead of wide open for increased depth of field and finer details and textures. […]

shooting portraits wide open versus stopping down

2019-4-13 20:23

shooting portraits → Результатов: 26 / shooting portraits - фото


Shooting Portraits in a Bedroom with a Reflector and Natural Light

Here’s an inspiring 5-minute behind-the-scenes video by photographer Irene Rudnyk, who shot a series of gorgeous portraits in a bedroom using only natural light and a reflector. This video shows what if you don’t have pricey lighting equipment, you can still do quite a bit with just window light and some creativity. Note: Some of the […] »

2017-10-06 23:25