There are a lot of things that are great about doggos. Their fluffy tails. Their soft fur. The adoring look in their eyes when they see you walking through the door. And who can forget about their adorable smiles?
boredpanda.com2020-1-21 10:09
There are a lot of things that are great about doggos. Their fluffy tails. Their soft fur. The adoring look in their eyes when they see you walking through the door. And who can forget about their adorable smiles?
If you're speaking from purely a tech standpoint, then Sony is ahead of the curve in many ways. That tech and marketing curve attracted many new photographers to them within the market. It also brought with it a lot of professionals who switched over. thephoblographer.com »
2020-08-03 13:00
International Women's Day on March 8th is a more special day than previous years because the whole world, as well as our country, are currently working together to fight the ncovid virus. The mothers are the most tired people because all of the students in Vietnam have to leave school for a long time for a safety guarantee. boredpanda.com »
2020-03-03 12:46
We're confident that some of you are shocked that the film industry is still alive and kicking. If you fall into this camp, you'd be even more astonished to find out that more ancient, antiquated photography processes -- tintypes and ambrotypes -- are still around. thephoblographer.com »
2019-02-07 23:00
We're confident that some of you are shocked that the film industry is still alive and kicking, If you fall into this camp, you'd be even more astonished to find out that more ancient, antiquated photography processes -- tintypes and ambrotypes -- are still around. thephoblographer.com »
2019-02-03 20:00
There are actually two new cameras from Panasonic in the form of their new Panasonic S1 and the Panasonic S1r. Amazingly, they're doing it right too--the cameras have dual card slots and there is a version of their cameras with a smaller resolution sensor and a higher resolution sensor too. All the details that we've got are after the jump. thephoblographer.com »
2018-09-25 14:07
Oh Canon, what are you doing? Today, the company is announcing that they're making changes to both of their 70-200mm lenses. The more common changes amongst both are that they're getting a newer white exterior to fully match the other telephoto L lenses in their lineup. thephoblographer.com »
2018-06-07 07:00
May 8th is World Donkey Day, but there are places where donkeys are celebrated every day: I work for Il Rifugio degli Asinelli, the Italian Donkey Sanctuary, a charity established in 1969, based in UK but working Worldwide to protect donkeys, raise more awareness and help people to understand how gorgeous these often misunderstood creatures are! 135 donkeys and mules (mix between dad donkey and mum horse) live at our Rifugio, most of them saved after mistreatments and neglect. boredpanda.com »
2018-05-08 22:31
May 8th is World Donkey Day, but there are places where donkeys are celebrated every day: I work for Il Rifugio degli Asinelli, the Italian Donkey Sanctuary, a charity established in 1969, based in UK but working Worldwide to protect donkeys, raise more awareness and help people to understand how gorgeous these often misunderstood creatures are! 135 donkeys and mules (mix between dad donkey and mum horse) live at our Rifugio, most of them saved after mistreatments and neglect. boredpanda.com »
2018-05-08 22:31
Your old photos won't go away. And even if you delete all of them from your hard drive, your mom still treasures an album where all your awkward phases are documented. So suck it up and own your vintage self. boredpanda.com »
2018-05-02 15:16
Canon U. S. A. today announced their 2018 Live Learning EOS Destination workshop schedule. Now in its 10th year, EOS Destination Workshops provide attendees the opportunity to shoot side-by-side with the pros, developing their photography skills with hands-on education, while using Canon’s latest gear. photographyblog.com »
2017-10-12 11:00
Sony has taken the photography industry by storm with their full frame mirrorless system, building upon the already strong system they had built with their APS-C cameras. Lots of photographers are ditching their Canon and Nikon DLSRs in favor of these lighter and smaller Sony bodies, and so naturally, some of you are trying to figure out what your best budget lens options are for the Sony system. This is where we are here to help. thephoblographer.com »
2017-08-07 19:00
What do we mean by Semi-Pro? Within this category, you'll find some of the most capable cameras the industry has to offer. The Semi-Pro name doesn't indicate that they're below the consideration of professionals, though. dpreview.com »
2017-05-20 00:52
Now that it is the winter and Wedding photographers are in their off-season across much of the northern hemisphere, many are taking stock of their current kits. This is the time to look at what else is on the market, look into buying new gear, and trying out the latest technological achievements. thephoblographer.com »
2016-12-28 14:02
What do we mean by Semi-Pro? Within this category, you'll find some of the most capable cameras the industry has to offer. The Semi-Pro name doesn't indicate that they're below the consideration of professionals, though. dpreview.com »
2016-11-15 19:52
What do we mean by Semi-Pro? Within this category, you'll find some of the most capable cameras the industry has to offer. The Semi-Pro name doesn't indicate that they're below the consideration of professionals, though. dpreview.com »
2016-11-15 19:52
Even the casual observer should be able to surmise that dark days are surely upon GoPro after their recent announcement that will finally succumb to the indignity of making their first scripted television advertisement. digitalrev.com »
2016-11-11 03:00
A rumor on Diyphotography hinted about the possibility that Sigma may quit their A-mount lens production: “According to our source, Sony makes a fraction of the business for Sigma. They also note that Sigma wants more focus in their factories on their cine line, and resources are shifting. sonyalpharumors.com »
2016-10-19 15:32