I Took Photos Of A Zorse – The Hybrid Between A Zebra And A Horse

I Took Photos Of A Zorse – The Hybrid Between A Zebra And A Horse
ФОТО: boredpanda.com

Last year, I met an animal which I thought would only exist in my fantasy: a zorse, the hybrid between a zebra stallion and a horse mare. Zuri, the mare you see in the photo, was only 1.5 years old and although I’ve been working as a photographer with horses for over 6 years, this was different from anything I’ve known so far.

took photos zorse hybrid between zebra

2019-6-21 13:27

took photos → Результатов: 15 / took photos - фото

Фото: boredpanda.com

I Got Tired Of Boring Animal Photos, So I Took Some Myself

As a creative portrait photographer my day to day job involves capturing the personalities of characters in unique art images commercially. I got bored of looking at pictures of animals looking like they are inanimate objects when they have as much, if not more, personality as humans! So I had a go myself, and here's what I came up with.. boredpanda.com »

2017-05-11 23:40