Canon Planning 3 More VCM L Prime Lenses

Next week we’re going to see the Canon RF 20mm f/1. 4L VCM officially announced, the fourth lens in the VCM series of L prime lenses. We have been told by a solid source that Canon has advanced plans for 3 more VCM L prime lenses to complete the series of hybrid prime lenses.

The Next [. . . ]

The post Canon Planning 3 More VCM L Prime Lenses appeared first on Canon Rumors.


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2025-3-21 14:00

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5 Wallet Friendly 50mm Prime Lenses That Will Help You Grow as a Photographer

There are so many lens choices available to photographers today it can honestly be quite hard to know where to turn when it comes to lenses. Do you stick with the telephoto and zoom style lenses like the ones that came with your camera, or do you enter the world of prime lenses? We can tell you right up front that if you're serious about your photography, and if you want to improve, prime lenses are the way to go, and the 50mm focal length is the perfect place to start your prime journey. »

2018-12-04 11:00