Get Your Wacom Discount When You Become a Member

One of our sweet benefits for being a member: 15% off on Wacom Intuos Pro Tablets! This month, our subscribers qualify to win a NONS SL42 Instax Camera. This camera was rated very highly by us and has the ability to shoot with interchangeable lenses and manual controls.

When the Phoblographer’s Membership program was created, ….

get your wacom discount when become member

2023-9-15 22:00

get your → Результатов: 37 / get your - фото


A Guide to Gig Photography

Gigs are a notoriously challenging genre of photography. It's a battle against low-light, fast moving subjects and time. Nailing live music shots is a unique challenge and true dark art, but it's one that so many of us wish to master and one that can be incredibly rewarding. »

2017-04-22 03:00


A guide to gig photography

Gigs are a notoriously challenging genre of photography. It's a battle against low-light, fast moving subjects and time. Nailing live music shots is a unique challenge and true dark art, but it's one that so many of us wish to master and one that can be incredibly rewarding. »

2017-04-22 03:00

Get More Performance Out of Your X-Trans Sensor with This Free Software

In my previous article on the difficulty FujiFilm’s X-Trans sensor has preserving fine color detail, I used the free software Darktable to process the RAW examples. I showed how, specifically in terms of color detail, Darktable was able to do a better job than FujiFilm’s own processing. (I also pointed out the compromise between color […] »

2017-02-13 21:12