Watch Kate Winslet Deftly Operate a Rolleiflex Camera
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet appeared on 60 Minutes this week and brought the Rolleiflex camera she used in Lee along with her. [Read More] »
Rolleiflex - Последние новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet appeared on 60 Minutes this week and brought the Rolleiflex camera she used in Lee along with her. [Read More] »
Нынешний владелец бренда Rolleiflex разместил в своем аккаунте в Twitter’е тизер, из которого следует, что новая (цифровая?) камера будет представлена 20 апреля. Если верить появившейся информации, то это будет бридж-камера c 1-дюймовым сенсором, корпусом из магниевого сплава в погодозащищенном исполнении, видоискателем с крышкой, 3. »
Rolleiflex, бренд, под которым не производились камеры с 2014 года, заявляет, что вернулся и выпустит новую «современную» цифровую зеркальную двухобъективную камеру 20 апреля. »Rolleiflex, a brand that hasn't produced cameras since 2014, says it's back and will release a new "modern" digital twin-lens reflex (TLR) camera that will be announced on April 20. [Read More] »
The Boskarta vintage-style playing cards feature a design inspired by the Rolleiflex camera and come packed in a tuck box that looks like the Brownie. [Read More] »
Bellamy Hunt of Japan Camera Hunter fame is back with another episode of Camera Geekery, his ongoing YouTube series wherein he highlights the unique designs and features of older film cameras. This episode of the ongoing series features the much-requested Rolleiflex 2. »
Looking for the next gorgeous Rolleiflex camera to add to your collection? Our latest vintage find will let you add not one but FOUR units of the limited edition Rolleiflex 2. 8 FX Platinum made as part of a commissioned project with American fine art nude photographer Jock Sturges. »
Rolleiflex TLR cameras are always on top of every photographer and camera collector's must-have list. Whether you're looking to add one more to your growing collection or yet to have your first elegant Rolleiflex, you might want to check out our latest ebay find: a Wide-Angle Rolleiflex in mint condition. »
Rolleiflex TLR cameras are always on top of every photographer and camera collector's must-have list. Whether you're looking to add one more to your growing collection or yet to have your first elegant Rolleiflex, you might want to check out our latest ebay find: a Wide-Angle Rolleiflex in mint condition. »
Легендарный Rolleiflex, близнец зеркальной камеры возвращается в совершенно ином стиле. Rollei анонсировала новый ROLLEIFLEX Instant KAMERA, моментальную камеру, которая использует бумагу Fuji Instax Mini. »
Новая камера уже собрала более 170 тысяч долларов на Kickstarter. Легендарная двухобъективная камера Rolleiflex возвращается – в совершенно новом стиле. Компания Rollei анонсировала Rolleiflex Instant Kamera – моментальную камеру, которая снимает на Fuji Instax Mini. »
The Rolleiflex Instant Kamera is a twin lens camera that uses Fujifilm Instax Mini film. »
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_7656932662","galleryId":"7656932662","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); German brand Rollei has revived its iconic Rolleiflex twin lens reflex lineup with the new Rolleiflex Instant Kamera. »
The legendary Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera is back… in a very different style. Rollei today announced the new Rolleiflex Instant Kamera, a TLR instant camera that shoots Fuji Instax Mini film. »
Give somebody a pen and paper, then ask them to draw an iconic film camera. The chances are they’ll probably sketch out the unmistakable shape of the Rolleiflex - the iconic twin-lens box camera with the look-down viewfinder. »
In this fast-changing age of digital photography, one ingredient missing is a full frame square format camera or digital back. Yes, you can always crop off for a square, but this is not the same as looking through a dedicated square format camera with full resolution. »
It’s not every day that you receive free stuff from strangers on the Internet. (Much less, stuff you actually want). I figure that something like this should be commended… Several weeks ago I had commented on a Reddit r/history post before heading off to bed for the night. It was fairly popular, even making /r/all, […] »
Those who have known me long enough are aware of my passion for Rolleiflex cameras. Back before I got deeper and deeper into alternative photography I used to shoot my TLRs all the time. Sadly, ever since I got bitten by the collodion bug of wet plate and then thoroughly chewed by the silver monster […] »