Images of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8 have supposedly leaked online. The photos, shared by VentureBeat come with some revealing information as to what camera tech the S8 will come loaded with.
Though much remains the same, there have also been some minor upgrades.
The S8’s main rear camera still has the 12MP resolution and f/1. 7 aperture of it’s predecessor. It has however been given a new visual toolset that will allow users to perform web searches based elements within an image. For instance, shopping for a recognised product or Googling recognised lines of text. On-screen icons will appear to help determine what search will be undertaken.
The S8’s selfie front camera has been given a boost from the S7. Its resolution is up from 5MP to 8MP but retains the f/1. 7 setting. Next to the front camera also appears to be a sensor, strongly hinting that the S8 will have iris scanning technology as the S7 did.
The Galaxy S8 Will need to be a big win for Samsung after the entirety of the fiasco surrounding the recall of the defective Note 7. With the Google Pixel and iPhone 7 displaying some incredible camera tech, it will be important for Samsung to bring something big to the table.
You can read VentureBeat's full breakdown of the phone's leaked features here.
. digitalrev.com2017-1-29 03:00