Video: How to Become Henri Cartier Bresson (And Zone Focus With Your Fujifilm Camera)

Recently on our Instagram TV channel, we showed off how photographers can Zone focus with their Fujifilm cameras. Believe it or not, it's pretty simple. However, it depends a whole lot on the lenses that you've got attached to your camera but it can also depend partially on your EVF or screen.

video how become henri cartier bresson zone

2018-8-12 07:00

video how → Результатов: 14 / video how - фото

Video: How Amateur Photographers Can Take Better Pictures (Without Buying a New Camera)

Lots of folks consider themselves hobbyists and amateur photographers--and they always wonder how they can take better pictures. Lucky for those folks, The Project Photography came up with a number of great tips that the advanced photographers will do and consider (because of course they have experience) but that others may not. »

2017-06-21 01:00

This Retro Video Game Inspired Video Explains How a Digital Camera Works For Dummies

Have you ever had a friend who was new to photography and asked you basic questions about how a camera works? Have you wished that there was a simple dumbed-down, easy to digest explanation video to answer those questions? In the latest "How It Works?" series on The Telegraph's site, they published a short minimalist animation video on the science behind how a digital camera works. »

2016-12-01 23:02