“I have too many ideas and wanted an outlet for them,” explains Vikki Martinez, aka Elvikkin. You only have to take a look at her photography to understand what she means. Through her creative imagery, Martinez communicates that her mind is bursting with thoughts and visions.
Although her self-portraits may suggest she’s still figuring herself out, they deliver a message that says she’s confident in her creative capabilities. And you know what? Looking at her portfolio is so much fun. To have the right balance between deeper meaning and light-hearted creativity isn’t easy to achieve. And yet, at only 23, Vikki is killing it! Her work is full of personality, color, humor, and excellent technique. And if you need further evidence that she speaks for who she is through her photography, take a look at her YouTube channel. She’s certainly a character, and it’s great that she is comfortable enough to show this through both her photography and videography. . thephoblographer.com
2019-8-18 19:00