An AI Artist Comes After Robert Capa’s D-Day Images, Misses the Point of the Work

We have repeatedly said that artificial intelligence in photography will continue to harm the very principles of the medium it was built on—to document reality as it happens—and quite recently, we have been proven right.

While AI-generated images are invading our private and public lives, as well as our democracy, they are also now altering our history. And I am not talking about those AI-generated videos of human giants building the pyramid, but an event much closer to human history: D-Day. AI artist Phillip Toledano "extended" what the day may have looked like. .

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2024-12-5 20:00

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"We have to meet all of their expectations" Sony talks diverse markets, AI and global shutters

Masanori Kishi, head of the Lens Technology and Systems business unit and Masaaki Oshima, head of Sony's Imaging Entertainment business. Photo: Richard Butler "Compared to the past five years, the range of creators has become more diverse," says Masaaki Oshima, head of Sony's Imaging Entertainment business: "so we have to meet all of their expectations, from the still shooter to the movie shooter, from the older user to the young, male and female. »

2024-07-29 19:35


All dressed up: the photography of Emily Dickey and Dustin LeFevre

All dressed up: the photography of Emily Dickey and Dustin LeFevre Utah Badlands, Utah Emily Dickey and Dustin LeFevre are landscape photographers who seek out remote locations. A couple of years ago, they started to complement their standard landscape images with something a little different – portraits of themselves in formalwear, adding a human element and a dramatic sense of scale to their work. »

2017-02-04 14:00