В этом году Canon, если верить информации в сети, объявит новый RF 85mm f/2 IS STM для своей беззеркальной полнокадровой системы.
dphotoworld.net2020-4-7 20:06
В этом году Canon, если верить информации в сети, объявит новый RF 85mm f/2 IS STM для своей беззеркальной полнокадровой системы.
The 85mm lens is highly regarded by many photographers. It's useful for things like portrait photography, street photography, and even in some sports. And if you're a Canon RF Camera user, there are a few options you should pay attention to. thephoblographer.com »
2022-03-08 20:00
Canon News has uncovered an optical formula patent for a Canon RF 85mm f/1. 4L USM. Canon has already released two 85mm lenses in the form Read more. . . The post Patent: Canon RF 85mm f/1. canonrumors.com »
2021-05-27 22:03
After somewhat of a break from testing camera lenses, DXOMark has returned with a bombshell. The Canon 85mm f1. 4 L, an EF mount lens for DSLRs, is a certified banger! In fact, it's so good, it beats the stellar Sony 85mm f1. thephoblographer.com »
2020-12-04 17:00
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_8119926911","galleryId":"8119926911","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); Canon's RF 85mm F2 Macro IS offers EOS R-series shooters an affordable, stabilized and fast-ish portrait prime. dpreview.com »
2020-11-23 17:00
Canon RF 85mm f/2 Macro IS STM был анонсирован вместе с камерами EOS R5 и EOS R6 еще в июле, а начало поставок предполагалось в октябре. И, похоже, все идет по графику, поскольку на этот объектив уже стали приниматься предзаказы на международных интернет-площадках по цене $599. photowebexpo.ru »
2020-10-02 23:22
Использовать один объектив для макро и портретов? Легко! Примерно так решили в Canon и сделали Canon RF 85mm F2 Macro IS STM. А что, многие начинающие фотографы именно так и поступали ранее. Но Canon в новом объективе ещё и светосилу до f/2 увеличил. prophotos.ru »
2020-07-09 16:54
We've spent a little time with the brand new RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM prime lens for Canon's full-frame mirrorless cameras, so ahead of our full review, check out our first impressions now... photographyblog.com »
2020-07-09 15:00
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_0086204603","galleryId":"0086204603","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); As you might expect, there are plenty of portraits featured in this week's DPReview TV episode looking at the Canon RF 85mm F1. dpreview.com »
2020-06-20 16:00
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_7611955025","galleryId":"7611955025","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The 'Defocus Smoothing' or DS variant of Canon's RF 85mm F1. dpreview.com »
2020-04-27 16:00
I have been told by an unknown source that Canon will announce an RF 85mm f/2 IS STM in 2020. The same source claims that Read more... canonrumors.com »
2020-04-06 16:48
One of Canon's biggest strengths has always been their ability to create consistently excellent lenses targetted at professionals, and the Canon RF 85mm f1. 2 L USM is no exception. With their RF Mount system, Canon has chosen to tackle the Full Frame Mirrorless market from the complete opposite direction as Sony did. thephoblographer.com »
2019-11-20 14:00
Это фиксы: 16mm f/1. 4, 18mm f/1. 2, 24mm f/1. 2 и даже 18mm f/1. 0. На сегодняшний день Canon выпустила только два ультрасветосильных объектива с креплением RF: Canon RF 50mm f/1. 2L USM и две версии 85mm f/1. fototips.ru »
2019-11-18 06:18
It looks like Canon is on track to have both the RF 85mm f/1.2L DS USM and RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM lenses ship before Read more... canonrumors.com »
2019-10-08 20:31
Canon Europe has posted an interview with the developers of the recently announced Canon RF 85mm f/1.2L USM, a lens that is likely to become Read more... canonrumors.com »
2019-06-03 19:21
Компания Canon выпускает новое поколение легендарного объектива 85mm f/1. 2L — модель RF 85mm F1. 2L USM. Объектив RF 85mm F1. 2L USM стал первым из шести объективов RF, которые будут выпущены в 2019 году. fotoexperts.ru »
2019-05-15 13:50
Canon выпустил портретный объектив для беззеркальной системы EOS R. Новый RF 85mm F1.2 L USM будет стоить $2,699 на западном рынке и поступит в продажу в июне 2019. prophotos.ru »
2019-05-13 09:39
According to Nokishita, the Canon RF 85mm f/1.2L USM will be the first of the six new unreleased RF mount lenses. There was no word Read more... canonrumors.com »
2019-04-27 13:13
*Update* We’re told that the Canon RF 85mm f/1.2L USM will be officially announced and be available for preorder on May 9, 2019 (in North Read more... canonrumors.com »
2019-04-27 13:13
Samyang только что объявили объектив Samyang/Rokinon 85mm F/1,4 для полнокадровых камер Canon. Анонс состоялся спустя неделю после выпуска 24mm F/2. 8. Объектив имеет эквивалентное фокусное расстояние 136mm при установке на камеры Canon с кропнутым сенсором APS-C. photar.ru »
2018-06-19 14:35
Canon currently offers three different 85mm lenses: the $370 85mm f/1.8, the $1,600 85mm f/1.4L IS, and the $1,900 85mm f/1.2L II. If you’re wondering how they stack up, check out this 9-minute video by self-proclaimed photography nerd Kai Wong, who recently went hands-on by comparing the trio in a shootout. The 85mm f/1.2 is […] petapixel.com »
2018-02-20 21:39
The Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM is a brand new short telephoto prime lens for full-frame DSLR cameras. Retailing for
photographyblog.com »2017-11-29 14:00
Ahead of our full review, here are some sample images taken with the new Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM lens, mounted on a Canon EOS 6D Mark II camera body. photographyblog.com »
2017-11-23 19:00
We’ve received word from various retailers that the Canon EF 85mm f/1. 4L IS USM has started shipping today or tomorrow. Demand is pretty high at the moment, and the first shipment may not cover all the preorders from the big retailers. canonrumors.com »
2017-11-10 01:11
A gallery of hands-on photos of the Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L, TS-E 50mm, TS-E 90mm, TS-E 135mm lenses and Macro Twin Lite accessory.
Read more and comment »
photographyblog.com »2017-08-29 12:25
New Canon EF Lenses Support a Variety of Photography Applications including Architecture, Portrait, Food and Landscape MELVILLE, N. Y. , August 29, 2017 – Canon U. S. A. , Inc. , a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced the new Canon EF 85mm f/1. canonrumors.com »
2017-08-29 07:15
Canon have unveiled four new professional lenses - the EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM, TS-E 50mm f/2.8L MACRO, TS-E 90mm f/2.8L MACRO and TS-E 135mm f/4L MACRO. Read more and comment » photographyblog.com »
2017-08-29 07:00
A new 85mm lens from Canon has been rumored since early 2017, and today we have our first look at it thanks to a photo and spec leak. This is the upcoming Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS. The Japanese site Nokishita Camera published the leak and reports that the Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS will feature a […] petapixel.com »
2017-08-24 18:05
It looks like image stabilization is coming to the world of Canon’s 85mm lenses for the first time. Canon will reportedly be announcing a new 85mm f/1. 4L IS lens and three other lenses in late August 2017. petapixel.com »
2017-07-17 19:20
To further clarify the certification post from yesterday, we have been told what to expect announcement wise from Canon at the end of August. Firstly, the EF 85mm f/1. 4L IS is scheduled to be announced at this time. canonrumors.com »
2017-07-15 17:40
Canon portrait photographers listen up, you’re got some new glass coming your way. In a few months time, we will allegedly see a brand new lens added to the Canon L lineup of high-end glass: the 85mm f/1. petapixel.com »
2017-04-10 19:39
Canon portrait photographers listen up, you’re got some new glass coming your way. In a few months time, we will allegedly see a brand new lens added to the Canon L lineup of high-end glass: the 85mm f/1. petapixel.com »
2017-04-10 19:39
После недавнего анонса объектива EF-S 35mm F/2.8 Macro IS STM и компактной камеры PowerShot SX730 HS, Canon планирует выпустить кинообъектив, который будет показан на выставке NAB в конце апреля. Также в конце второго или начале третьего квартала ожидается выход объектива для полнокадровых зеркальных камер EF 85mm F/1.4L IS USM. EF 85mm F/1.4L IS USM не […] photar.ru »
2017-04-09 22:02
По информации сайта Canon Rumors, выход объектива 85mm f/1. 4L IS USM запланирован на следующий год. Правда, когда именно в продаже появится эта доступная альтернатива Canon 85mm f/1. 2L, пока неизвестно. fototips.ru »
2016-11-23 23:00
Portrait photographers who have been hoping for an affordable alternative to Canon’s 85mm f/1. 2L, you’ve got reason to celebrate. It sounds like Canon is going to be releasing an 85mm f/1. petapixel.com »
2016-11-22 20:20
Anyone with any significant amount of experience shooting portraits will be familiar with the Canon EF 85mm f/1. 2L II USM. It’s an excellent portrait shooter, but it does have its flaws, especially with autofocus and chromatic aberration. digitalrev.com »
2016-11-21 03:00
В сети появилась информация, что Canon может объявить новый 85mm объектив. Canon EF 85mm f/1. 4L IS USM будет представлен в 2017 году, точные временные рамки и технические характеристики пока не называются. dphotoworld.net »
2016-11-20 09:41
It looks like we’re going to get a new 85mm lens from Canon. We’ve been trying to nail down exactly what the lens would be, and we finally have. The Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM will be announced in 2017, though we’re still trying to nail down an estimated announcement timeframe. We don’t know if Read more... canonrumors.com »
2016-11-20 02:55