Результатов: 77

Победители первого конкурса Wet Plate

В этом году производитель коллодиевых пластин и аксессуаров Modern Collodion провёл свой первый конкурс Wet Plate, который должен стать ежегодным. На конкурс поступило более 200 работ от 75 фотографов из 19 стран мира, использующих технологию Wet Plate. photar.ru »

2018-4-11 18:26

CAMS unveils new camera plates for small DSLRs and mirrorless cameras

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_5930146630","galleryId":"5930146630","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); Following in the footsteps of its successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the Pro Camera plate system, accessory manufacturer CAMS is looking to the crowdfunding platform once more to create scaled down plates for smaller DSLR and CSC bodies. dpreview.com »

2017-12-1 20:41

Watch a 360 Video of Ultra Large Format Wet Plate Photography in a Historic Studio

Wet plate photography, one of the traditional photographic methods, gives a completely different but fascinating experience, as you've probably learned from our previous features. Portrait and wedding photographer Markus Hofstaetter shares with us another interesting look into his ultra large format wet plate process, from the cameras he uses, traveling with his wet plate gear, and shooting in a historic studio. thephoblographer.com »

2017-11-17 02:00

Behind the scenes: Capturing creepy Halloween wet plate portraits

While most people will be out experimenting with a little chemical called Ethanol on Halloween, at least one photographer decided to use some Ethyl Ether and Silver Nitrate instead. Markus Hofstaetter—whose work we've featured in the past—decided to take a few wet plate collodion portraits this Halloween, and documented the entire process in a creative 360° video. dpreview.com »

2017-11-1 02:55

Photographer uses 'antique' photo technique to illustrate struggles of Native Americans

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_4545210807","galleryId":"4545210807","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); During the Dakota War of 1862, the United States government hung 38 members of the Dakota Indian Tribe in Mankato, Minnesota – the largest single-day mass execution in US history. dpreview.com »

2017-6-17 21:33

Притча о серо-буро-малиновом платье

Твитер на днях взбудоражила новость о платье (прошлась даже по нашему @focused_ru) — вообще, какая там новость, когда она совсем не новость?! Девушка пошла в магазин где-то в США, где ее внезапно за выбором застала ее подруга, сфотографировавшая платье, которое та выбирала. Но то ли ее айфон внезапно потерялся в focused.ru »

2017-2-24 03:16

SpiderLight Holster offers quick access to lighter cameras

Spider Camera Holster has launched three new products on Kickstarter: the SpiderLight Holster and Plate, SpiderLight Backpacker, and Single Camera System. The SpiderLight Holster is a reworked version of the company’s Pro holster, one designed for smaller and lighter cameras like mirrorless models, while the Backpacker is an adaptor designed for backpack straps rather than belts. dpreview.com »

2016-10-19 21:45