Researchers Create 3D Model of Ancient Stone Sculpture From a Single 134-Year-Old Photo
Scientists have created a 3D model of a buried relief sculpture by using a photo taken in the 1800s and novel AI technology. [Read More] »
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Scientists have created a 3D model of a buried relief sculpture by using a photo taken in the 1800s and novel AI technology. [Read More] »
The cinematographer behind Poor Things has revealed how he filmed the movie's iconic dance scene between Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo. [Read More] »
Ricoh Japan продолжает разнообразить линейки своих камер, но, к сожалению, не новыми моделями, а всего лишь тюнингом имеющихся. После выпуска двух Limited-серий Pentax KF "Crystal Blue" и "Crystal White" компания объявила о выпуске двух новый вариантов Pentax KF в лимитированных версиях: "Olive" (оливия/оливковая) и "Stone" (камень), каждая тиражом только 700 экземпляров. »
Image credit: Wikipedia media, used under CC BY-SA 3. 0 Baron Wolman, Rolling Stone's first staff photographer, passed away at age 83 after battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – better known as Lou Gehrig's disease. »
Just when you think you've seen and used your fair share of unique and quirky camera accessories, something always comes up and proves you wrong. Case in point is the Camof Stone, a camera case designed to let your GoPro camera blend in with the surroundings over and underwater as an inconspicuous stone. »
I call this work Visionary Eco-Art. Visionary, in that, I am referring to visionary experiences, surrealism, spiritualism, and concepts of dreams. Eco because I use natural materials together with a conscious effort to manifest material from visionary consciousness, while still celebrating this world and endeavoring to do as little environmental harm as possible. »
Lancashire County Council The UK's recent heatwave has provided a glimpse into Britain and Ireland's history, revealing the outlines of ancient structures and buried features in the grounds of historical buildings. »
Lancashire County Council The UK's recent heatwave has provided a glimpse into Britain's history, revealing the outlines of ancient structures and buried features in the grounds of historical buildings. »
They are diamonds of folk art, blending beautifully with their surrounding environment. Sometimes right in front of our eyes, next to modern roads and bridges. Others lost in mythical landscapes that make your mind travel to the eras of elves and fairies. »
They are diamonds of folk art, blending beautifully with their surrounding environment. Sometimes right in front of our eyes, next to modern roads and bridges. Others lost in mythical landscapes that make your mind travel to the eras of elves and fairies. »
All images by Stone Zhu. Used with permission. My name is Stone Zhu. Growing up in China, my sense of self as well as my aesthetics were deeply informed by traditional cultural, values and art. »
A couple of years ago, my twin boys (now 9) began to ask me for cameras. I was 6 when I got my first camera — it was the first thing I used my allowance on. It was an old 110 Kodak camera. I was hooked from that moment and although there were moments where […] »