samsung will → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 24 / samsung will - ôîòî


Samsung launches 64MP image sensor for smartphones

The 'megapixel wars' on smartphone cameras stopped some time ago but recently we are seeing an uptick in smartphone image sensor pixel counts, not because consumers demand higher resolution images but because many modern sensors use Quad-Bayer technology which combines four pixels into one, for better detail, lower noise levels and increased dynamic range. »

2019-05-09 20:09


Rumor: Samsung Galaxy S10 triple-cam to offer super-wide-angle and 3x tele

We've already heard rumors about Samsung launching three models for its upcoming Galaxy S10 flagship smartphone generation, including one featuring a triple-camera on the back. Now more information has surfaced about the specifications of the Samsung triple-camera and if the rumors turn out to be true, mobile photographers will have something to look forward to. »

2018-07-06 22:05