3 Small Instant Film Cameras You’ll Love to Shoot With

If you like shooting with instant film, then you probably know how large the cameras can be. Not everyone wants to tote around an elephantine camera. Luckily, there are lots of small instant film cameras out there.

And better yet, we've reviewed a bunch of them. Some are much better than others. So we're rounding out some of our favorites in this list right here. .

film cameras instant

2022-1-20 20:00

film cameras → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 45 / film cameras - ôîòî

‘A History Of The Photo Camera’: An Incredibly Short Yet Rewarding Cartoon

If you have approximately one and a half minutes to spare, you could do far worse with your time than watch this delightful speedrun cartoon tour through the history of photographic cameras. Created by Barcelona-based animator/editor Portero Delantero, this extremely short film provides a fluid rundown of every major milestone camera from the Kodak Brownie in 1900, to the iPhone 6 in 2014. digitalrev.com »

2016-11-23 03:00