Vintage Under $150: 5 Point and Shoot Film Cameras You Should Try

For a lot of photographers today, vintage point and shoot cameras often serve as the gateway drug into film photography. They’re compact, easy to use, and often inexpensive. Some of these cameras also produce or enhance the distinct look of nostalgia that film photography has come to be known for.

So it’s not surprising that many of them make it to many film camera recommendations for beginners. Whether you’re looking for one or two point and shoot film cameras to get started with or add to your growing collection of vintage compacts, these are some of the awesome and affordable models you can grab today. .

film cameras point vintage

2020-4-16 13:00

film cameras → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 25 / film cameras - ôîòî

‘A History Of The Photo Camera’: An Incredibly Short Yet Rewarding Cartoon

If you have approximately one and a half minutes to spare, you could do far worse with your time than watch this delightful speedrun cartoon tour through the history of photographic cameras. Created by Barcelona-based animator/editor Portero Delantero, this extremely short film provides a fluid rundown of every major milestone camera from the Kodak Brownie in 1900, to the iPhone 6 in 2014. »

2016-11-23 03:00