Результатов: 11

High-resolution telescope images show Sun's surface in 'unprecedented detail'

'This image covers an area 8,200 x 8,200 km (5,000 x 5,000 miles, 11 x 11 arcseconds).' -- Credit: NSO/AURA/NSF The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope has produced high-resolution images that show the Sun in 'unprecedented detail,' according to an announcement from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The telescope is located close to the summit of Maui's dpreview.com »

2020-2-1 21:38

Paris Mus

Eug Paris MusCollections portal that offers the public access to more than 100,000 high-resolution digital reproductions of classic artwork and photography. All of the content offered in the Collections portal is available under a CC0 license. dpreview.com »

2020-1-22 23:21