Canon Has No Plans to Make a High-Resolution Version of Its Flagship R1

Canon Has No Plans to Make a High-Resolution Version of Its Flagship R1

Canon's EOS R1 is a very specialized camera designed for sports, wildlife, and photojournalism. But because its form factor is so appealing, many professional photographers have expressed interest in seeing a high-resolution version of the R1 released.

Canon says that won't happen.

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canon has plans make high-resolution version its flagship

2025-3-10 19:11

canon has → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 121 / canon has - ôîòî


Canon Has an Image Problem

Canon has an image problem and I'm not talking about photos. The company currently has a battle on three fronts when it comes to the perception of its brand: no third-party lens options, the actions of its printer division, and the company's stance on climate change. [Read More] »

2023-03-08 20:27

Unreleased Canon Gear Has Appeared for Certification

Nokishita has posted a bunch of unreleased Canon gear that has appeared for certification. Below is Google translated and I have put what we think each product is. PC2276 (EOS M20) Mirror-less camera Made in Japan SKU: 2209C002AA, 2209C012AA, 2209C022AA, 2209C032AA, 2210C002AA, 2210C012AA, 2210C022AA, 2210C032AA, 2211C002AA, 2211C012AA, 2211C022AA, 2211C032AA Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed PC 2335 Read more... »

2017-07-14 16:56


Leaked Images Of The New Canon M6 Mirrorless

Canon’s release of the EOS M5 late last year signalled that the company was finally making a serious push into the mirrorless market, and the reception thus far has been generally positive. Although the M5 is a little pricey considering its spec sheet, it has shown itself to be a solid performer, winning a small but dedicated fanbase among the mirrorless community. »

2017-02-09 03:00


Canon M5 vs Sony A6300 - Which is better?

Last week we wrote that 2016 was the year that APS-C made a huge statement, so of course we should take a look at two of the most affordable, new APS-C cameras. Sony as always has been tearing up the scene with a whole array of new cameras across all sensors, but they’ve blown open the APS-C market with the A6300 and A6500. »

2016-12-01 03:00