Master Photographer and Inspirational Educator John Blakemore Dies at 88
Inspiring British photographer and teacher John Blakemore died this week at 88.
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Inspiring British photographer and teacher John Blakemore died this week at 88.
[Read More] »This past week, a behind-the-scenes video showing Keanu Reeves as John Wick filming an intense motorbike fight scene has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter). [Read More] »
Over 300 prints from Elton John and husband David Furnish's extensive photography collection which numbers over 7,000 works have gone on exhibit in London this past weekend. [Read More] »
A Maverick Eye: The Street Photography of John Deakin is, by all means, a vintage photo book at this point since it came out in 2002. And in many of my studies of street photography, I've never really encountered his work or his name before. »
Kishin Shinoyama, who took one of the final and best-known shots of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, has died aged 83.
[Read More] »For starters, I love the fast-paced John Wick series, and I think that Keanu Reeves is just a badass in general. Now I don’t use this word often, but everything about these movies is pure cinematic gold — the lighting, composition, camera movement, etc. »
Artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to save John Lennon's final filmed interview before The Beatles star was murdered. [Read More] »
"Haha… I’ve heard that before," says photographer John Barbiaux to us when we asked him about his series, Life on Mars. "Personally, I think the towns are so beautiful and peaceful. The glow of the windows is a sort of connection with others in a seemingly disconnected world, a warmth of sorts. »
When it comes to displaying his prized photos, John Cohen doesn't look to fancy albums or intricate photo frames like many of us. Using a method he developed in the 1960s and still continues to use today, John enjoys projecting his transparencies onto other objects. »
When it comes to displaying his prized photos, John Cohen doesn't look to fancy albums or intricate photo frames like many of us. Using a method he developed in the 1960s and still continues to use today, John enjoys projecting his transparencies onto other objects. »
When I first saw the photograph, I was a bit confused. One was Beatle John Lennon because his name was written in bold, but who was the other similar-looking person? Well, it’s New York photographer Eric Kogan who is often traveling by foot in Manhattan. »
Когда дело доходит до портретной лайфстайл-фотографии, фотограф Джон Кингстон (John Kingston) – это тот, о ком могут только мечтать клиенты, ведь Джон настоящий мастер. Он путешествует, придумывает творческие концепции, работает с крутыми людьми и использует свое творческое видение для того, чтобы угодить всем своим многочисленным клиентам. »
Джон Дайкстра (John Dykstra) — интроверт, концептуальный и арт-фотограф, фотохудожник, которому нравится создавать мрачные истории посредством фотографии. Его изображения выглядят как цифровые коллажи, но на самом деле большинство из работ автора созданы без цифровой манипуляции. »
It is rare to have a photographer conjure up the memory of a particular song. However, I immediately thought of Bruce Springsteen’s Darkness on the Edge of Town when I saw New Hampshire photojournalist John Tully’s recent work. »
I am fascinated by the art of wedding photography and have seen it morph from very formal and super staged — as in very often: “OK, grandma stand over there” — to having a photographer take a more casual or natural approach. »
Джон Коллинз (John Collins) – увлеченный фотограф с различными интересами в области фотографии. Его любимые жанры – это подводная фотография, пейзаж, городской пейзаж и черно-белая фотография. »
Джон Прайк (John Pryke) – отмеченный престижными наградами в области редакционной фотографии знаменитый фотограф и редактор с более чем 37-летним стажем работы в бизнесе изображений. Джон работал во многих странах по всему миру на такие агентства, как Reuters, AP, AFP, Getty Images, фотографируя новостные сюжеты и спортивные мероприятия для этих изданий. Сейчас он живет в […] »
Everyone loves Keanu Reeves! so do I! And who doesn't love his movie, John Wick! So I decided to give him a little tribute by recreating some scenes in this photo series about his iconic character known as John Wick with my action figures. »
Фотограф Джон Кроуфорд (John Crawford) снимал свою обнаженную супругу с воздуха, еще до того, как это стало мейнстримом. Он это делал с 1981 по 1986 год. Фотограф смог снять серию воздушных в общей сложности из 18 изображений. »
Джон Вильгельм - фотограф из Швейцарии, который использует фотографию для выражения своей буйной фантазии. Он не ограничивается съемкой дикой природы. Перед тем, как представить зрителям кадры с различными животными и пейзажами, автор подвергает их творческому процессу, объединяя отснятые сцены. »
В сети очень много фотографий голливудских звезд, особенно много их свежих, ярких и порой вульгарных снимков, и этими фотографиями сейчас мало кого удивишь. Мы же, нашли для вас, поистине уникальные и интересные кадры, сделанные в самом начале творческого пути звезд с большого экрана. »
Now this is a “Shot on iPhone” ad we can get behind. Director David Leitch of John Wick and Deadpool 2 fame was tasked with putting together Apple’s latest iPhone 11 Pro commercial, and he chose to film an epic “snowbrawl” fight. »
It’s Martin from the All About Street Photography YouTube channel, and today I would like to talk about a very special photo that ended up winning the 1st prize in the Sports, Singles category of the 2019 World Press Photo contest. »
Тревел фотограф из Южной Африки — John Thackwray, очень любит путешествовать, он много месяцев посещал разные страны, тем самым побывав во многих точках мира, от Франции и Японии, до Румынии, Китая, Бразилии, Руанду и Египта. »
If you're fond of photographing empty or abandoned spaces, the latest installment of CineStill Frames will change the way you think about it. In this episode, director Brendan Leahy introduces us to Indiana-based artist and film photographer John H. »
If you're fond of photographing empty or abandoned spaces, the latest installment of CineStill Frames will change the way you think about it. In this episode, director Brendan Leahy introduces us to Indiana-based artist and film photographer John H. »
I’m a photographer in St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, and I’ve been shooting the St John’s International Busker Festival for the last 6 years. It’s not a paid gig — I do it for the fun and the challenge and to support the event. »
Bill Cunningham is one of the most iconic figures in our industry. A fashion photographer for the New York Times, he was best known for taking candid images of America's best-dressed people. As with most successful photographers, there's always a team behind them. »
John Kraus is an 18-year-old photographer living on Florida’s Space Coast who has captured dazzling photos of major rocket launches over the past few years. VICE News followed Kraus to a recently SpaceX Falcon 9 launch and aired this short segment showing how the photographer works (it starts at 22m01s). Still frame by VICE News […] »
On top you can see John Sison 35mm f/1. 4 FE lens review. And this is the conclusion of the Samyang AF 24mm f2. 8 FE Review by Nic Taylor: During my time with this lens so far I have been very impressed with how fast and accurate the autofocus performs, even in low light. »
John Marshall живет на острове Фрай в штате Мэн (США). Он известный продюссер и писатель, обладатель ряда наград. Но при этом еще и человек, помнящий о собственном детстве... »University photographers get sent on all sorts of different assignments, as anything the university does will need pictures. Photographer Zack Berlat was recently lucky enough to end up face to face with basketball legend John Stockton. »
The most expensive lens Sony is producing right now is the Sony 500mm f/2.0 G which sells for $13,000 at BHphoto and Amazon. Well that lens just got reviewed on the new Sony A99II by John Sison: Oh and don’t forget to watch the unboxing video of such a huge lens: The post John Sison reviews the mighty $13,000 Sony 500mm f/4.0 G lens appeared first on sonyalpharumors. »
John Wilhelm - отец троих детей, живущий в Швейцарии. И, как любой родитель, он любит запечатлевать моменты взросления своих малышек. Но, в отличие от миллионов фотолюбителей... »Conceptual photography plays around with distortion of reality in images to creatively present an idea or illustrating an imagination. John Wilhelm has taken conceptual photography to another level in his compilation of work found at his Behance gallery here. »
John Schell is a lifestyle, commercial, editorial and advertising photographer currently based in Los Angeles, California. A New York transplant, he started his photography career after nearly fifteen years of teaching special education at both the middle and high school level. »
John Schell is a lifestyle, commercial, editorial and advertising photographer currently based in Los Angeles, California. A New York transplant, he started his photography career after nearly fifteen years of teaching special education at both the middle and high school level. »
In addition to being one of the world’s best-selling living musicians, Elton John is also a passionate collector of modernism photography. The 4. 5-minute video above is a tour of John’s impressive home gallery. »
Photos from the Sir Elton John Collection at Tate Modern Man Ray 1890-1976, Glass Tears 1932. Photograph, gelatin silver print on paper. 229 x 298 mm. The Sir Elton John Photography collection © Man Ray Trust/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2016 London’s Tate Modern gallery is about to host an exhibition of ‘modernist photography’ drawn entirely from the Elton John Photography Collection that will feature only vintage prints made by the photographers themselves. »
John Marshall нашёл для себя интересное направление съёмки. Он тратит много времени на создание образа своей модели, которую создаёт из картона. John живёт на острове Фрай в штате Мэн. Он вырезает из картона простых персонажей и фотографирует их силуэты на фоне заходящего солнца. »
John Kraus rocket launch photography SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launches cargo and science to the ISS, and the first stage of the rocket comes back and lands at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in July of 2016. »