Northeast Greenland National Park: Photographing Earth’s Last Untouched Frontier
Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
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Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
Миллиардер-инвестор Бен Хоровиц подарил полиции Лас-Вегаса парк Tesla Cybertruck, подтвердили официальные представители ведомства. Это часть постоянной поддержки, оказываемой Горовицем департаменту, которому за последние годы он пожертвовал более 7 миллионов долларов. »
My good friend, the oldfangled film photographer Elizabeth Nahum-Albright, was recently tasked with a common problem: the disposition of her newly dead father. His most urgent demands were clear: he was to be cremated and placed, like all of his cats, into a cookie jar. [Read More] »
Two photographers have sued the National Park Service (NPS) claiming that its photography permit requirements violate First Amendment rights. [Read More] »
A student suffered brain damage after she was electrocuted in a park while posing for a photo with her new Polaroid camera.
[Read More] »A pack of gray wolves was spotted on a camera trap in California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in almost 100 years. [Read More] »
A videographer was robbed at gunpoint of $30,000 worth of camera and lighting gear during a shoot in a park.
[Read More] »A major search is underway for an Australian photographer who has been missing for more than one week in a national park where she often captures the wild horses living there. [Read More] »
В Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе, в городе Сургут, планируется открыть первый в УрФО научно-технологический центр «Юнити парк». Об этом сообщил первый замгубернатора Югры Алексей Забозлаев на презентации в Москве. »
A photographer filmed a crowd of Yellowstone Park tourists blocking a grizzly bear from crossing a road so that they could take photos of the animal. [Read More] »
Tourists were filmed actively ignoring a Yellowstone National Park ranger's instructions to keep away from a roadside grizzly bear so that they could take photos of the animal. [Read More] »
Yellowstone Park officials have warned photographers and tourists to stay away from elk and to use zoom when taking pictures of the animals. [Read More] »
Директор Арктического и Антарктического научно-исследовательского института Александр Макаров сообщил, что в ближайшие годы парк беспилотных летательных аппаратов, используемых для изучения полярных регионов, пополнится новой техникой. »
A Yellowstone National Park guide filmed a photographer who refused to move away as a grizzly bear and her cubs crossed a highway. [Read More] »
В Малайзии планируется создание огромного парка для разработки полупроводников с целью укрепления позиций страны в мировой индустрии чипов. Премьер-министр Анвар Ибрагим объявил о намерении строительства парка, который станет крупнейшим в Юго-Восточной Азии и будет привлекать ведущие компании в сфере чиповых технологий, такие как Arm. »
An 18-year-old wildlife photographer was found dead in a state park he often visited to capture images.
[Read More] »A photographer in Yellowstone Park who got nose-to-nose with a bison was reported to park authorities after a video was recorded of his encounter. [Read More] »
Hertz, гигант по прокату автомобилей, решил распродать треть своего парка электромобилей (EV) и вернуться к автомобилям, работающим на традиционном топливе. Этот шаг вызван слабым спросом и непредвиденными расходами на ремонт у EV. »
Правительство Российской Федерации выделит из резервного фонда свыше 1,2 млрд рублей на развитие инфраструктуры индустриального парка «Алабуга» в Татарстане в 2023 году. Это финансирование направлено на возмещение расходов по созданию и модернизации объектов инфраструктуры парка, позволяющих ожидать увеличение выручки резидентов до 3,1 млрд рублей, пишет ТАСС. »
«Димет сервис» планирует развернуть инновационный проект — частный индустриальный парк «Город Спутник» в Слободском районе Кировской области. Инициатива включает создание жилых домов для сотрудников предприятий, а также пяти производственных комплексов, пишет ТАСС. »
Renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz is selling her duplex apartment in the Upper West Side of New York City for almost $3 million less than she paid for it. [Read More] »
A trail camera captured the bizarre sight of a strange-looking animal which, at first glance, is not obvious what species the creature belongs to. [Read More] »
Группа исследователей из Университета Нового Южного Уэльса (UNSW) в Австралии создала новую колонию утконосов в Королевском национальном парке, расположенном на берегу реки Хакинг недалеко от Сиднея. »
A rare pink grasshopper was photographed in a wildlife refuge this week -- but its unusual color spells bad news for the insect. [Read More] »
America’s national parks are a true source of pride. Each is unique in what it offers and this is certainly true of one of the more off-the-beaten-track parks. [Read More] »
Texas Parks and Wildlife officials are puzzled by a "mystery animal" caught on a game camera in the Rio Grande Valley last week. Officials wondered if the creature could be a new species or an escaped animal from a nearby zoo. [Read More] »
Компания SIGMA объявила о выпуске трех новых компактных объективов Contemporary с фиксированным фокусным расстоянием для беззеркальных систем и еще трех существующих объективов для крепления Nikon Z. »
Создатели мультсериала «Южный парк» использовали ИИ чат-бота ChatGPT при написании сценария для 4-го эпизода 26-го сезона, вышедшего 8 марта 2023 года. »
A bull elk has been caught on camera charging at a photographer after the eager cameraman made the mistake of getting too close to the wild animal during mating season. [Read More] »
An alligator lunged at a photographer who was filming the beast in the same park where a man was killed.
[Read More] »An aerial video taken above Yellowstone National Park shows the devastation flooding has caused, as roads are being swept away and tourists are being left stranded. [Read More] »
Rainbows are a favorite subject for landscape photographers, but the lesser-known phenomena known as "moonbows" -- rainbows created by moonlight -- are not as easy to find. »
Yellowstone National Park was established as the United States' first national park in 1872. To celebrate its 150th year, National Geographic has published a series of photos captured over that time of what is often called America's Wonderland. [Read More] »
В Китайском Шанхае на выходных вместе с посетителями закрыли Диснейленд из-за подозрений, что один из посетителей может быть заражён коронавирусом. »
Seeking a wilderness escape from the global pandemic, three friends embarked on a journey to one of the wildest and most scenic areas on the continent: Gates of the Arctic National Park. Two of the members, Matt Meisenheimer and Max Foster, are professional landscape photographers and spent years studying the park for compelling mountains and […] »
A life-size sculpture of the legendary photographer Diane Arbus has been temporarily erected in New York’s Central Park as a tribute to her impact on photography and because public statues have been typically male-dominated. »
If you’re as awesome and cheesy as we are, then you might have bought one of those amusement park photos that show you laughing, screaming, and (possibly even) crying while on the ride. The post "Go To A Theme Park, They Said. »
Командование боевой авиации США решило провести глубокую реорганизацию Военно-воздушных сил (ВВС). Она коснётся и истребителей F-22. »
Как сообщили в своём Facebook создатели мультсериала «Южный парк» Трей Паркер и Мэтт Стоун, они приобрели ресторан, который был показан в одной из серий. »
Как сообщили в своём Facebook создатели мультсериала "Южный парк» Трей Паркер и Мэтт Стоун, они приобрели ресторан, который был показан в одной из серий. Отмечается, что это ресторан Casa Bonita, который был излюбленным местом одного из персонажей Эрика Картмана. »
A Yosemite National Park ranger has shared a heartbreaking photo and story about discovering yet another bear struck and killed by a driver in the park. The unnamed park ranger published the account on the park’s official Facebook page shortly after receiving the call last Friday. »
Summer is just around the corner in the United States, and national parks are getting ready for an influx of visitors. As a helpful PSA, the National Park Service just released this humorous “Wildlife Petting Chart” showing where tourists and photographers can safely pet large wild animals. In short: nowhere. If you want a free […] »
A man was shot in a San Diego park this weekend after a group approached and attempted to steal the camera equipment being used. FOX 5 reports that a 25-year-old man and a 24-year-old man were doing a photoshoot at around 6:49 p. »
As a weekend photographer and keen explorer of our natural spaces, I recently(ish) set myself a photo project of capturing every land-based national park in my home state of Victoria, located in the south-east corner of Australia. »
As a weekend photographer and keen explorer of our natural spaces, I set myself a photo project of capturing every land-based national park in my home state of Victoria. »
The Boston Red Sox professional baseball team has partnered with Nikon to have automatic robot cameras installed across its iconic Fenway Park. Nikon Professional Services (NPS) installed five state-of-the-art Robotic Pods by Mark Roberts Motion Control (MRMC) at various key locations in the park. »
Nikon обновила дорожную карту выпуска оптики Nikkor Z, которая включает в себя последние анонсы объективов »Wildlife photographer Steve Perry of Backcountry Gallery has just completed a massive review of the Nikon D6. And after using the camera in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, and Yellowstone National Park, he has some thoughts on whether or not wildlife photographers should consider buying Nikon’s flagship DSLR. As you […] »
Last week, a 72-year-old Californian woman was gored multiple times at Yellowstone National Park when she is alleged to have gotten within ten feet of a bison in order to take a photograph of the wild animal. »
We all know that the USA has a lot of national parks. Thus it is no secret that some become hidden gems. That sees few visitors throughout the years. »