So far, the EOS M5 is the nearest thing Canon has made to a high-end mirrorless camera. Rumors of a Canon mirrorless full-frame camera are heating up. Just days after our own Canon interview from CP+ 2018 seemed to hint, quite strongly, that a "high-end mirrorless" from Canon is in the works, Canon Rumors is reporting that they have "confirmed from a couple of good sources" that a full-frame mirrorless Canon is indeed being tested by select pros.
The Canon Rumors report, published earlier today, claims that "a full frame mirrorless camera is well into its development cycle," and is in fact being used by "select Canon pro photographers" in the field. This matches up with what Canon told us during our interview at CP+ 2018. Specifically, the Canon executives we spoke to said:
In accordance with the full lineup strategy, we will be tackling [the mid-range and high-end mirrorless market] going forward.
And when we asked if it was "realistic" to expect a Canon full-frame mirrorless camera within a year, their tongue-in-cheek response was:
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
Read our full Canon interview from CP+ 2018
Canon Rumors is "very confident we’re going to see something announced before the end of Q1 in 2019," while other outlets have predicted something for Photokina in September. Either way, as rumors and reports heat up, it seems more and more likely the industry will be getting a major shake-up in early 2019 or late 2018.
The major unanswered question is: what about lenses? Will Canon release a new lens mount with this rumored full-frame mirrorless camera—thereby taking advantage of the shorter flange distance offered by mirrorless—will the new camera be compatible with EF lenses out of the box, or will it be some sort of hybrid arrangement?
When we spoke to Canon, the company said it "can’t simply ignore the [130 million EF lenses] in the market," but that "we’re considering the technical advancements that are possible" with a new mount. In the end, they didn't give us anything definitive, encouraging us instead to "let your imagination suggest some possibilities. "
. dpreview.com2018-3-24 22:40