These Long-Exposure Seascape Photos Pay Homage to Movies and Comics

These Long-Exposure Seascape Photos Pay Homage to Movies and Comics

To hear photographer Nathan Wirth tell it, the wonder of old movies, TV shows, and comic books was that they were so obviously unrealistic. These old fantasies sparked the creative fire inside Wirth, and it’s in homage to these memories that he created the photo series Imaginations.

Imaginations is intentionally unrealistic. “Intending to emulate the […].

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2016-8-19 21:04

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Portraits of Homeless People and Their Dreams of Old

For his new project The Prince and the Pauper, San Francisco-based photographer Horia Manolache connected with homeless people, learned their stories, and shot two portraits of each of them: the first shows them as they are now, and the second portrait shows them in the life or career they had once dreamed about. After meeting […] »

2016-08-19 20:26

A photographer's guide to Cuba

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_1774365849","galleryId":"1774365849","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); Veteran traveler and photographer Michael Bonocore returned from a recent trip to Cuba thoroughly enchanted by the country. »

2016-08-12 15:00