The Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 is a wireless printer that uses the newest Instax square format and is both faster and quieter than the previous SP-2 model. Read our Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 review now...
photographyblog.com2017-11-21 14:00
The Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 is a wireless printer that uses the newest Instax square format and is both faster and quieter than the previous SP-2 model. Read our Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 review now...
Fujifilm’s Instax line has been a remarkable success for the company, as over the years it has been the profit driver for the camera lineup. I use an original Leica Sofort and I find it a ton of fun. »
2025-01-15 13:49
I'm not sure why they're not saying it directly, but the Fujifilm Instax Mini 99 is the successor to the Mini 90. We did that review over a decade ago. There's a trend with Fujifilm in 2024. So far, it seems like they're releasing products that are, honestly, kind of late. »
2024-03-14 05:00
When I first heard the rumors of the Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay, I admittedly groaned. The company's last attempt at fusing digital and analog together was subpar in my opinion. But with their second attempt in the form of the Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay, I'm pleasantly surprised and shocked. »
2019-06-12 05:00
With the Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6's arrival on the scene, Fujifilm I feel has created a respectable Instax Square camera. When the SQ10 was released, I was very hesitant. I'm not a fan of a digital photo being printed onto an Instax frame from the camera. »
2018-05-31 13:00
It was only a matter of time until we got another Fujifilm Instax Square camera; and this time around we're being treated to the Fujifilm Instax SQ6. This is the company's second Instax Square camera--and with it is also their new Instax Square Black frame film that's coming out too. »
2018-05-15 05:00
Instax is a great way for photographers to give instant prints to clients, either as a memento of the shoot or as an added service. While most people will have to transfer the images to their phone, Fujifilm shooter has the ability to connect directly to their Instax Printer with their Fujifilm X-Series camera body. »
2017-12-19 08:00
Fujifilm представила свой первый INSTAX-принтер, Instax Share SP-3. Принтер предназначен для пользователей, желающих печатать изображения со смартфона на новой фотобумаге Instax Square от Fuji. Рост популярность Instagramm вдохнула новую жизнь в квадратное соотношение сторон 1:1 и Fujifilm хочет перенести эту любовь из социальной сети в реальный физический мир. »
2017-10-26 18:00
Fujifilm just announced its first square-format Instax printer, the Instax Share SP-3. The printer is aimed at users wanting to print smartphone images using Fuji’s new Instax Square film. The rise of Instagram has breathed new life into the square 1:1 photo ratio and Fujifilm wants to bring that love of photography from social media […] »
2017-10-25 19:39
It was only a matter of time until the Fujifilm Instax SP-3 Instax square printer launched; and it honestly couldn't have come any sooner. I wasn't a major fan of the Instax SQ-10, but the Fujifilm Instax SP-3 fully embraces wireless connectivity and digital photography and printing. »
2017-10-25 05:00
Fujifilm решила порадовать любителей необычной доступной техники анонсом нового гибридного мгновенного фотоаппарата Instax Square SQ10, который отличается ретро-дизайном и оснащается 3,7-мегапиксельным цифровым CMOS-сенсором и 3-дюймовым ЖК-экраном с разрешением 460 тысяч точек. »
2017-04-26 16:15
Believe it or not, the younger generation that loves Fujifilm Instax film doesn't even believe that it's film. That's what we were told a while back from Fujifilm, but photographer Robert Mann believes otherwise. »
2017-04-25 10:00
Хотя начинание компании Fujifilm по реинкарнации технологии Polaroid поначалу вызывало у многих скепсис, за несколько лет в мире было реализовано несколько десятков миллионов подобных устройств. И вышло уже несколько модификаций камеры-принтера. »
2017-04-20 10:01
Модель оснащена матрицей диагональю 1/4 дюйма и эффективным разрешением 1920х1920 пикселей »2017-04-19 16:08
The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ10 is a square format hybrid instant film camera that combines digital imaging technology with square film prints. Read more and comment » »
2017-04-19 15:55
Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 is currently on sale for a cool $40 off, bringing it down from its usual $200 price point to a $160 price tag. These little printers are great for those who want to have some fun instant prints available from your smartphone or Fujifilm X-Series camera without buying one of the dedicated Instax Mini cameras. »
2017-04-19 04:00
Fujifilm анонсировала INSTAX Mini 9, новую моментальную камеру, которая выпускается в пяти цветах: зеленый лайм, розовый фламинго, дымный белый, голубой лёд и синий кобальт. Instax Mini 9 основывается на INSTAX Mini 8, но получает дополнительное зеркало для селфи, а также новое крепление для объектива, позволяющего снимать крупным планом. »
2017-03-31 20:06
Fujifilm has announced the Instax Mini 9, a new instant camera that has launched in five colors: Lime Green, Flamingo Pink, Smoky White, Ice Blue, and Cobalt Blue. The Instax Mini 9 builds upon the company's Instax Mini 8, bringing with it a selfie mirror as well as a new close-up lens attachment enabling photographers to snap photos as close as 35cm / 14in. »
2017-03-28 21:33
This morning, Fujifilm is announcing their brand new Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 camera. This is apparently an update of some sort to the Instax Mini 8--and doesn't do a whole lot with the update but will surely satisfy lots of enthusiasts who simply digg using it. »
2017-03-28 16:19
Many of us have been waiting pretty eagerly for the Fujifilm Instax Square camera and format to hit the market since its announcement at Photokina 2016. The images, which come from Brooklyn Film Camera's Instagram via R/Polaroid, seem to be pretty legitimate. »
2017-03-16 16:02
Fujifilm has made a name for itself among photographers with their X-Series, but their real imaging money maker is none other than the Instax line which continues to me among the best selling imaging products on Amazon. »
2017-03-10 23:03
Impossible is trying their best to bring back that classic Polaroid film and ecosystem, but I think it would be safe to say that the king of instant film photography currently is Fujifilm's Instax line. »
2016-12-28 11:01
Instax Roundup 2016 Let's face it, it seems a little odd that a site called Digital Photography Review would dare take a step backward in to the world of analog photography. But truth be told, we all were delighted by handling physical prints from these cameras. »
2016-11-24 15:00
Сегодня линейка камер моментальной печати Instax компании FUJIFILM пополнилась сразу двумя новинками. Это принтер для смартфонов Instax SHARE SP-2, который распечатывает фотокарточки высокого качества за 10 секунд в формате mini и новые цвета камер Instax mini 70: «Страстно-красный», «Угольно-черный» и «Звездно-золотой». »
2016-11-16 17:22
Запрыгивая в последний вагон уходящей осени и навстречу зиме, я хочу вам рассказать о камерах моментальной печати Instax mini 70 и mini 8, которые мне посчастливилось протестировать! Я, как человек, снимающий на пленку, а также имеющий зеркальную камеру, была уверена, что сразу разберусь в съемке, ведь ничего сложного нет, наведи, щелкни, получи карточку! Но не […] »
2016-11-16 12:05
While Fujifilm Instax enjoys quite a bit of popularity with the crowd of young photographers that enjoy the instant, lo-fi analog feel, there are a number of us that have really wanted to use the film for a higher end look. »
2016-11-04 07:02
The Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 can print high-quality credit-card sized instant photos from smartphones in just 10 seconds. Read our Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 review to find out if this unique printer is worth a look... Read the review » »
2016-10-20 00:51
We’ve been covering the increasing number of Instax emulsions from Fujifilm with a combination of caution and excitement. On one hand, we definitely don’t mind seeing new films such as the Instax Mini Monochrome which was released in September, but on the other hand, we never want to see Instax Velvia replace 135 or 120 Velvia. »
2016-10-18 03:00
The Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 has been out for a little while now in it's not so beautiful gray and black color scheme. But now, you can score the camera in pure white--a custom color available only from Urban Outfitters. »
2016-09-27 23:26
Instax has been in the news in the past couple of weeks – first for the announcement of its monochrome instant mini film, and again with the announcement of a square format film and camera in the works. »
2016-09-21 20:58
Lost in all of the totally understandable hype around the Fujifilm GFX announcement today was another notable, but far less flashy announcement for Fujifilm's Instax line - Instax Square. »
2016-09-20 07:17
There will come a sad day in the future when Fujifilm classics such as Velvia and Provia follow Astia into becoming nothing more than a colour profile in the latest X or G mount camera. Until then, we greet with increasing trepidation the rising popularity of Instax. »
2016-09-20 03:00
Fujifilm have launched the instax mini film Monochrome, which will be released worldwide in October 2016.
Read more and comment » »2016-09-10 12:16
Fujifilm just brought its Instax instant film into the world of black-and-white photography with the unveiling of its new Instax Mini Film Monochrome. “The ‘Instax Mini Film Monochrome’ responds to the increasingly sophisticated demands of users,” Fujifilm says, “enabling them to expand the artistic potential of their photographic expression and adding a further dimension of […] »
2016-09-06 19:04
Fujifilm has announced monochrome film for its instax instant cameras and Share printer. It will go on sale worldwide in October, and like the color film, will be sold in cartridges of 10 sheets each. »
2016-09-06 18:37