Glowing Reviews of the Google Pixel Cause Stock Price Spike

Glowing Reviews of the Google Pixel Cause Stock Price Spike

When the Google Pixel was unveiled a couple of weeks back, many of us were taken aback at the impressive rating its camera received from DxOMark, the best score ever assigned to a smartphone camera by the site.

However, numbers don’t always equate to real-world performance. Now a few reviewers have gotten early access to the Pixel and Pixel XL, both of which feature the same camera module.

Thus far, the reviews have generally been excellent, with many reviewers specifically calling out the camera as one of the best features of the Pixel phone. One of the first samples of video footage was provided by Nat & Lo, two Google employees who provide regular behind the scenes videos of Google products and announcements. The pair have recorded an entire video using just the Pixel phones, and the results are compelling.

The Verge recently published a smartphone shootout between the iPhone 7, Galaxy S7 Edge and Google Pixel. “If we’ve learned anything early on in our time with the Pixel, it’s that Google was right to be excited about the main camera on this phone. In most situations it is better than the iPhone 7, and it even beats out the Galaxy S7 in some others,” said Sean O’Kane in his conclusion of the piece. He accepts that all three phones are excellent smartphone shooters, but appears to favour the Pixel in this scenario.

David Pierce of Wired was glowing in his review, noting that “most of the time, the Pixel takes a nicer photo than you’d expect. Some photographers prefer to make those creative decisions. But I like that my photos look awesome on Instagram, no filters necessary. I’ve never been more confident shooting with my smartphone. ”

In the wake of a number of highly positive reviews the stock price of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, spiked to its highest value ever recorded ($828. 81 per share) before settling down slightly before markets closed.

We’re yet to get our hands on a Pixel, but once we do we’ll be sure to update your with our thoughts. In the meantime, it looks like the Pixel will be a very formidable mobile shooter.


pixel google camera smartphone was

2016-10-19 03:00

pixel google → Результатов: 17 / pixel google - фото

Google Pixel 8a sample gallery

When you use DPReview links to buy products, the site may earn a commission. $(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_3422866136","galleryId":"3422866136","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) });Recent Videos Last week, Google announced the Pixel 8a, which slots in below the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro in Google's smartphone lineup. »

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2018-05-11 18:52

Google shares high-resolution Pixel 2 sample photos

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_6275889395","galleryId":"6275889395","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); As with the original Pixel handsets, Google is stressing the quality of its Pixel 2 phone's 12MP camera, calling it the "world's highest rated smartphone camera" thanks to its DxOMark score of 98. »

2017-10-09 23:06

Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel 2 XL

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2017-10-04 20:30


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2017-10-03 16:00


Камеру смартфона Google Pixel сглазили

Google говорит, что новый смартфон Pixel имеет лучшую камеру среди всех портативных устройств и тому есть масса подтверждений, но, похоже, у компании появились проблемы, с которыми придётся справляться в кратчайшие сроки. »

2016-10-27 14:35


Google Pixel Phone с лучшей камерой

Берегись iPhone: Google хочет стать чемпионом среди камер смартфонов. Компания объявила о Pixel и Pixel XL, паре новых смартфонов, которые уделяют огромное внимание фотографии. На данный момент Google может похвастаться тем, что смартфон имеет лучшую камеру среди когда-либо выпущенных смартфонов. »

2016-10-05 12:18 проведет трансляцию анонса смартфонов Google Pixel

Сегодня состоится большая презентация компании Google. Как ожидается, на ней Google представит следующее поколение своих смартфонов, на этот раз под брендом Pixel, а не Nexus. Также есть вероятность анонса новой гибридной платформы Andromeda, которая сочетает особенности Android и Chrome OS, и планшета на ее основе. »

2016-10-04 16:25