Google Release Pixel Pics/Vids Backing Up ‘Greatest Smartphone Camera’ Claim

Google Release Pixel Pics/Vids Backing Up ‘Greatest Smartphone Camera’ Claim

The announcement last week of Google’s Pixel phone only served to increase the hype around the highly-anticipated device. More than anything else it was Google’s claim that the phone possessed the greatest smartphone camera currently available on the market that generated such high levels of excitement.

/Isaac Reynolds /Google

The validity of this statement was essentially backed up solely by a rating of 89 bestowed upon the Pixel by DxOMark; the highest score ever given to a smartphone by the site. However, numbers really mean nothing without seeing the camera in action.

Now, Google has already released a selection of images demonstrating how the Pixel stacks up against other mobile shooters, and the results seem impressive.

These images were shared in a Google Photos album entitled “#Nofilter needed with your new Pixel” by the Pixel’s camera lead Isaac Reynolds. If you’re thinking these pretty pics are the result of chicanery, such as using another camera, you’d be wrong. The EXIF data shows that these images were indeed taken on a Pixel and Pixel XL. However, analysis does show that a handful of the images were edited using apps like VSCO and Snapseed, making the ‘#nofilter’ claim a little dubious.

/Isaac Reynolds /Google

The other recent release showcasing the camera’s talents in the real world comes from Youtube user Ron8it, who has posted two 4K sample videos from the Pixel’s camera. One is an outdoor exploration experimenting with in-phone slo-mo and timelapse tools, while the other showcases the Pixel’s ability to handle shooting in low light. The vid descriptions thanks Google for the opportunity to use the Pixel meaning that Ron8it was apparently given an early build to test.

/Ron8it /Youtube

Rating the footage, Ron8it freely admits that he did use some DIY filters for effect in some shots but frankly, it’s obvious that the Pixel captures 4K divinely. It’s crisp, clear and vibrant. Only some minor noise is visible within this low light challenge video but at a much lower rate than we’d anticipate.

/Ron8it /Youtube

We will only be able to totally vindicate Google’s opinion of their new toy when we get our hands on a Pixel ourselves. In the meantime however we are happy to say that this bodes very well for Android users looking for a high performance cam in their next mobile purchase.

/Isaac Reynolds /Google

Let us know what you think of these pics and flicks and if they make you consider changing what smartphone you shoot on. Tell us on Facebook, Twitter, and in the comments below.


pixel google camera caption ron8it

2016-10-11 03:00

pixel google → Результатов: 11 / pixel google - фото

Google Pixel 8a sample gallery

When you use DPReview links to buy products, the site may earn a commission. $(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_3422866136","galleryId":"3422866136","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) });Recent Videos Last week, Google announced the Pixel 8a, which slots in below the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro in Google's smartphone lineup. »

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2018-05-11 18:52

Google shares high-resolution Pixel 2 sample photos

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2016-10-05 12:18 проведет трансляцию анонса смартфонов Google Pixel

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2016-10-04 16:25