Результатов: 20

Macro Timelapse Film Showcases Insects and Carnivorous Plants

French artist Thomas Blanchard has produced a creative macro film that features the natural world of both the lifecycle of delicate butterflies and gorgeous detail of carnivorous plants in action. Originally from Lyon, Blanchard is a self-taught video artist who explores a variety of themes and mixes arts and has had his work exhibited around […] petapixel.com »

2021-11-6 19:09

Macro Photos of Insects: A Slightly Different Approach

Photographing insects in the field demands higher shutter speeds, a steady hand, and a smaller aperture to ensure sharpness. On warm summer days, insects are mobile and easily found. However, they provide minimal opportunities to carefully compose an image – they are too busy flying, feeding, and living life. Choosing a complementary background for the […] petapixel.com »

2021-8-9 17:31

These Portraits Of Insects Will Make You Look At Them In A Whole New Light

Jimmy Reid is a Scottish photographer who specializes in macro. In this series of images, he has taken portraits of insects letting you connect more with them. Who knew horseflies had such beautiful eyes or that ladybirds actually have little beards? Love them or hate them, after looking at this series there is no denying the beauty of these insects. boredpanda.com »

2018-8-22 23:53

I Photographed Evidence Of Maternal Instincts In Insects

Halfway through September of 2017, I was photographing insects and spiders at my local arboretum when I stumbled upon a colony of oak treehoppers. Oak treehoppers were on my bucket list of insects I was dying to find and photograph so I was THRILLED to have found a colony of nymphs (immature insects)! As I photographed the nymphs, I noticed a single adult a few inches away on the same twig. boredpanda.com »

2017-10-24 04:40